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[Websec-users] url.list & ignore.list

From: Baruch Even
Subject: [Websec-users] url.list & ignore.list
Date: Tue, 13 May 2003 09:25:42 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i


I'd be happy if others will post their ignore.list and url.list snippets
for all to enjoy. Maybe someone will pick up the glove and actually
write a tutorial on how to go about configuring websec for a site,
tackling the url.list and ignore.list settings?

In the latest snapshot I added the following examples from my use.

I'm watching OpenBSD CVS repository for changes, one thing that cvsweb
has is a mention how long the file has changed, pretty annoying when the
change is recent enough, you get a daily message.

The url.list entry:

URL = http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/src/sys/sys/tree.h
Name = OpenBSD tree implementation
Prefix = openbsd-tree
Ignore = cvsweb

and the ignore.list entry:

\d+ (months?|weeks?|days?|hours?|minutes?)

In addition to this I've also changed the Date ignore part to:

\d+ Jan(uary)? \d+
\d+ Feb(ruary)? \d+
\d+ Mar(ch)? \d+
\d+ Apr(il)? \d+
\d+ May \d+
\d+ June? \d+
\d+ July? \d+
\d+ Aug(ust)? \d+
\d+ Sep(tember)? \d+
\d+ Oct(ober)? \d+
\d+ Nov(ember)? \d+
\d+ Dec(ember)? \d+
# 28-03-2005 28/03/2005 28.3.2005 2005-03-28
# 02:24 PST
\d{2}:\d{2} [A-Z]{3}

This compacts the list and makes it better, or so I think.

Happy Sharing,

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