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Re: [www-pt-br-general] [gnu.org #833258] GNU Translation -- edu-schools

From: Hudson Flavio Meneses Lacerda
Subject: Re: [www-pt-br-general] [gnu.org #833258] GNU Translation -- edu-schools.pt-br.po
Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 12:00:25 -0300
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Ineiev via RT wrote:
On 05/30/2013 02:48 PM, Hudson Lacerda via RT wrote:
Ineiev via RT wrote:
Did you discuss these changes on address@hidden

I never got any response from that list, nor could subscribe to it.

This is strange; as far as I can tell, subscription doesn't require
approval.  If you wish, I can subscribe you.

Hi Ineiev.

Thank you.

Now I succeeded, after finding the list page on the web and filling the subscription form. (The first time I tried I did not know of the on-line form, thus I sent a "subscribe" message asking for manual approval.)

I see there is some activity in the list, from at least four members. Are there not any "veteran" translators interested in coordinating the team?

Hudson Lacerda


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