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[aspell] [Q] Copyright and International dictionaries...

From: Sudhakar Chandra
Subject: [aspell] [Q] Copyright and International dictionaries...
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 11:31:57 -0800


I have finally found the time to package the latest version of aspell for
Debian.  I have a couple of questions:

1. What is the copyright of aspell.  src/ says it is GPL.  But
manual/man-html/F_Copyright.html says it is LGPL-ed.

2. I am at a stage where I am ready to package alternate dictionaries for
aspell for Debian.  The Danish one seems fairly easy to package.  But why
do the other languages have differing instructions on how to build the

3. Quite a few of the ispell dictionaries are already packaged for Debian. 
If I want to use them for aspell, what should I do?


Quimby: Simpson, you idiot! You spent your entire year's budget in a
month! Your department's broke!
Homer:  [panics] Uh...oh no! Wait! I think I've got the perfect solution.
Quimby: You'd better!  'Cause those garbage men won't work for free!
Homer:  D'oh!  
Sudhakar C13n    Lead Indentured Slave

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