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Re: [aspell] Install the german dictionary onto Aspell

From: Björn Jacke
Subject: Re: [aspell] Install the german dictionary onto Aspell
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 11:30:36 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.12i

Hi Jim,

On 2001-01-23 at 10:17 +0800 Jim wang sent off:
> I am now using aspell as a spellchecking tool and want to use the german 
> dictionary provided by the link of aspell international plan. When i 
> generated wordlist and used aspell to create master like the following:
>     sed "s/\.//g" all.words2 dicts/abkuerzpunkt.txt  |ispell -a -d./help |sed 
> -f ./bin/disc2iso | sort -u |aspell --lang=german create master ./german
> It reported two errors:
>     1./usr/bin: ispell: not found
>         I know i should install ispell before,but don't know the reason why 
> using ispell.So,i think i can omit it.

you need to install it at least for installation of the dictionary.
German language has a high affix compression and the dictionary is affix
compressed, so you need to have ispell for decompression. In my opinion
languages like German which have such big dictionaries are not very
useful in conjunction with aspell as long as aspell lacks affix
compression. That's also the reason why I didn't take care of my
dictionary to be up-to-date with the latest aspell development. Kevin,
is affix compression coming soon?

>     2.sed: command in confusion: s/a"//g
>         I know the command is in the file "./bin/disc2iso", but i can't fix 
> it.

there's nothing wrong with dic2iso (without s). There isn't any s/a"//g,
just a s/a"/ä/g.

Björn Jacke ·  E-Mail: address@hidden
SuSE GmbH   ·  Schanzäckerstr. 10  ·  90443 Nürnberg  ·  Germany

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