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Re: [Aspell-user] Aspell-en-0.51-0 install problem

From: Neil Hodge
Subject: Re: [Aspell-user] Aspell-en-0.51-0 install problem
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 13:35:20 -0800
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Maurice Rickard wrote:

I've run into what seems like a strange install problem, but it's possible that I'm overlooking something obvious. I've been able to install both Aspell
and aspell-en successfully on Mac OS X (on my own machine), but I'm having problems doing this on a shared FreeBSD host. I'd vastly appreciate anyone's insights on this.

As it's a shared host, I don't have access to /usr/local, and I've instead been 
installing in /usr/home/USERNAME.  Two problems result from this: even though 
I've config'ed with this:

./configure --vars ASPELL=/usr/home/USERNAME/lib WORD_LIST_COMPRESS=/usr/home/USERNAME/share/aspell the Makefile is written with the default /usr/local/lib/aspell and /usr/local/share/aspell, and I've had to edit the Makefile manually.
Once I edit the Makefile, however, I'm getting this error on make: "Error: The file 
"/usr/local/share/aspell/iso8859-1.dat" can not be opened for reading."  The error, 
of course, is that the file doesn't exist there--it's at /usr/home/USERNAME/share/aspell.

Any hints, tips, or ideas about what I can do to get the Makefile to look at 
the right directory for iso8859-1.dat?

Thanks for taking the time to look at this.

I went through the exact same thing a few weeks ago. I finally got it working by doing the following:

1. When you are installing the main executables, make sure to do the following:

./configure --prefix=/usr/home/USERNAME

2. (IMPORTANT) Make sure both aspell and word-list-compress are in the path:

which aspell
which word-list-compress

3. (VERY IMPORTANT) DO NOT FORCE the dictionary ./configure file with any options, just run


by itself. The first time I tried to install, I assumed that the ./configure would need a bunch of flags, but that just mucked things up.

I installed aspell and all of the necessary files this way to a mock /usr directory I have set up under my home dir (/home/username/usr), and it worked just fine.


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