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Re: [fluid-dev] Linking with GPL libraries

From: Bernat Arlandis i Mañó
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] Linking with GPL libraries
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 16:18:11 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20090103)

David Henningsson escrigué:

The people we're messing it up for is not ourselves, it's for
applications which links with libfluidsynth AND are not GPL-compatible
(contains code released under MPL, a proprietary license etc). Assuming
Debian links with readline/liblash by default, they must provide their
own compiled version of libfluidsynth, which does not link with

Anyway this is a "gotcha" that we should mention somewhere in the

Correct, this is a issue is for non-free applications linking to GPL libraries, it's not an issue for us or Debian. License mixing always have "gotchas" and tend to get a hot subject of discussion for non-lawyers.

FS has been in Debian for a long time, I doubt there's any problem with the license, there's no privative software in Debian and I guess there's a lot of packages in the same case, but you could ask your mentor in case it worries you.
Does anyone use LASH?  I would miss the readline support, that is for

As for readline, it could perhaps be replaced with editline, which is
under BSD license.

Looking it up in Debian (popcon) shows that:
104 people have installed lashd
688 people have installed liblash2
5790 people have installed libfluidsynth

Having support for editline wouldn't hurt at all as long as it has all needed features, but you don't need to drop readline support, they're call-compatible and so you can make it a build option.

I think LASH is already optional so we don't need to do anything, unless you know of an alternative library that could be a second option, as with readline.

Bernat Arlandis i Mañó

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