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Re: [fluid-dev] Coding style (was: More commits)

From: josh
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] Coding style (was: More commits)
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 13:47:00 -0400
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.1.6)

Quoting David Henningsson <address@hidden>:
I can live with almost everything I'm not very annoyed with people using
different coding styles. But when I write code I will most certainly
make mistakes, how will we solve that? Perhaps I will have to run
"indent" or similar program before I commit?

I don't think we need to be too serious about it really. If someone checks in code that doesn't conform to whatever standard we decide on, anyone else should feel free to format things correctly. Running indent on code changes would probably help though too. We should probably try to keep commits that deal with formatting and ones that change functionality separate, so that one doesn't have to scan through purely aesthetic changes to find what functionally got changed.

I think I personally scan for "name(" to easily see what is a function
call and not a variable.

Its easier for me to spot "function_name (var1, var2, etc)" which is why I like to put a space between the function name and its parameters.

Is there a rule like "If a file is more than 2000 lines we should
consider splitting it in two"? Personally I like to keep my files 1000
lines or shorter, but for this project it doesn't matter much. And if
that means we will get many more source files, perhaps source
subdirectories could be considered.

There is no rule currently in regards to max lengths of files. I think if a file gets relatively large (1500 lines or so) and there is a pretty clear logical division that can be made, then splitting it would be good. I have also been thinking that source directories might be helpful for organizing the code. At a minimum a separate directory for all driver related source files, since it can be difficult to differentiate between those and core synthesis files if one is not familiar with the project. There aren't a huge amount of files though, so we can probably just let it be for now.

Another thing is max columns per line. Do we keep it at 76/80 chars and
then a new line, or how long lines do we allow?

I think it is good to keep it around max 80 chars, but some overflow is OK. If code starts getting crammed up against the right side, it probably means the code could use some redesign.

Voting summary:
- No tabs (Pedro, Josh and David)
- 4 space indentation (Pedro, Josh 2 or 4, David doesn't care)
- Return type on separate line from function (Pedro and Josh)
- Space between type and '*' (GThread *) (Pedro and Josh)
- Braces on same line as previous statement except procedures (Pedro
and David)
- Additional statements line up with '(' and '[' (Pedro and Josh)

If we want consistency, perhaps "majority of existing FluidSynth code"
should have a vote as well? Or are you planning to autoindent all the
existing code?

I was planning on auto-indenting the whole lot and manually going through and correcting problem areas. That is why I was mentioning it would be good to get it out of the way now, early in this development cycle. To minimize the amount of functional changes that have occurred before the re-formatting point.

// David


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