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Re: [gcmd-dev] Homepage update

From: Micha
Subject: Re: [gcmd-dev] Homepage update
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 15:37:06 +0100
User-agent: Alpenglühn 7.2

| Well?
| http://www.nongnu.org/gcmd/keys.html

Works with mozilla/firefox, where elinks and dillo show only the link.
But that's ok. 
I can't see anything bad with that design...there is cvs latency of course,
perhaps you can give a little message that it needs some 3 seconds (here) 
where you don't see anything happening 

Other notes: 

_____ Frontpage HOME:

Good idea, 'read more about below'. I think then you don't need the
'information' header at all, just start with a few introducing sentences,
as is, to have a slightly shorter page. 
(It's a good feeling to enter a rather short frontpage firsttime)

Could  'Latest release:' " be the top of the Latest News ?
I think that's the most important news one wants to know..
To spare people to wonder about their GTK version, can you make it 'GTK 2.6 
(or Gnome 2.?)' ? You know, dull non-slackers...
Also, it should just point to the Download page, not directly to FTP server,
to spare you maintanence time. (Keep always central :)

_____ Downloads:

Well, with the long text in the navbar (right side box) i see a lot of empty
space, have to scroll down a lot to gead on. Of course, because div class .ram 
can't be floating ! 

I propose to shift this text into the main content again, then it's also more 
readable, with less linebreaks.

If you say 'Binary download' below then the counterpart should be 'source 
I would start with 'Binary download' then 'Source download' then the 
information text. Most beautiful and comfortable first :) always looking good 
you know :)

________ Documentation:

I would shorten 'building from source' a lot, FAM is *not* strongly recommended 
IMHO. You may consider to split the text: 

- Move the stuff about build / source the  to 'Download sources' page, and
- Leave a short piece about 'gcmd and FAM issues' on the Documentation page 
* FAM  management was broken in 1.1 gtk-1 version
* FAM not required for build (but what build dependency exactly ?)
* FAM usage can be disabled from GUI, then gcmd still updates itself (but not 
* gcmd works stable with FAM however, 1.1.7 needed some appearance fix
(that is about the endless list update repetition) -> hope it will be done in 

______ Screenshots:
Can you include a pic of the internal viewer with a totally exciting cool photo
(made by yourself of course, how about the aurora? with IPCT and EXUIF data 
visible ?
As snaphot of 1.2.0 ? Should be linked from the Internal Viewer page too.

greet, mi


Can you modify the css to indicate at which section (or 'tab')
i am ? In the top bar, you know, just the standard thing. 
Perhaps make it "gnu--yellow" according to the logo  :) or lightblue for gcmd ?
(Please no font scaleup, this use to look ugly under some circumstances)

Last time i checked that, firefox didn't differ between a.link and a.visited.
pps. I use to work with page specific link design, still defined in the main 
css, like 
#index a         { text-decoration:none; }
#index a:link    { color:#a2d2ff; } 
#index a:visited { color:#a2d2ff; } 
#index a:hover   { color:#f8c0f4; }
#index a:active  { color:#05ff4e; } 
#index a:focus   { color:#ffffff; }
#index .refhere  { color:#ffb640; }
then you go along with <html id=index> on the index page, and class=refhere for
the highlightened header. But i think you know that yourself...excuse if i'm 
into your domain :)
(It's just that HTML is one of the rare cases where i can squatter about code 
too :)

And yet another one: If you fear to add more the top bar tabs because they 
might get linebroken then you could always switch to shortcuts like 
'Home | Shots | Downlaod | Doc | Devel' - i think that's ok for that kind of 
Or even textless icons with ALT text.....


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