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Re: Table Help

From: Jeremy Cowgar
Subject: Re: Table Help
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 09:01:06 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624

Jeff Kingston wrote:

As I think it says in the User's Guide, if you want multi-page
tables you need to precede and follow them with paragraph
symbols such as @LP, @DP, or @NP (not @PP).  So try with

   @Tbl .......

and if there are still problems, post a minimal example.


Hum. Sorry I missed that. That did fix the problem with it breaking across pages, however, with the changing headers it did not.

I am not certian how to post a minimal example because it looks great on the first and second pages, but the 3rd and forth is where it begins to mess up. But, what I have is:

@SysInclude {tbl}
@SysInclude {doc}
@Doc @Text @Begin

Hello, this is a test.

@Tbl afont { Bold } aformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C | @Cell D | @Cell E | @Cell F | @Cell G | @Cell H }
 bfont { 10p }
bformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C | @Cell D | @Cell E | @Cell F | @Cell G | @Cell H }
A {Due} B {ID} C {Claim} D {Provider} E {Age} F {Charge} G {Discount} H {Pay Out}
   rulebelow { yes }
A {Due} B {ID} C {Claim} D {Provider} E {Age} F {Charge} G {Discount} H {Pay Out}
   rulebelow { yes }
A {08"/"01"/"2003} B {15005} C {350593390} D {Dr. John Doe} E {3} F {$21163.63}
   G {$6349.09} H {$14814.54}
@End @Text

Except that the @Rowb line is simply copy/pasted enough to give me 4 pages of information. What happens is that starting on the third page, the Due and ID headers have very little space between them, which in turn, throws everything else off. Claim is actually over the column ID, Provider over the column Claim, etc...

I have posted my new .lout and .pdf on my website, if that's what you meant by posting a short example. It has all 4 pages worth of information:

http://cowgar.com/tbl.lout and http://cowgar.com/tbl.pdf

Thank you very much,


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