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LYNX-DEV Re: Page that makes Lynx crash

From: Klaus Weide
Subject: LYNX-DEV Re: Page that makes Lynx crash
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1996 18:57:50 -0600 (CST)

On Fri, 6 Dec 1996, Jean-Pierre Chevalier wrote:

> Em 5 Dec 1996, Klaus Weide escreveu:
> : On Thu, 5 Dec 1996, Jean-Pierre Chevalier wrote:
> :
> : > I want to report a fatal error in Lynx 2.3.7 BETA
> : > and Lynx 2.4-FM.  Lynx crashes while opening my
> : > page at "";
> : > which is in turn a Webtechs' Validation Svc report.
> : > It says: exiting with signal  11 via interrupt 0.
> : > HTH, address@hidden

[ excerpt from Webtechs output snipped ]
> : Is this really what Webtechs puts out?  Somehow I doubt it...
> :
> :   Klaus:
> As I said, Webtechs produced the report when told to validate
> my other page at "";.
> You should check "Show parsed output" if you want to verify.

You were right, Webtechs produced that (but when "Show Formatted Output"
was selected), apparently by mistake.  It has already been changed
at the Webtechs site (quick response!).  

So thanks for reporting that, it led to the discovery of a mistake at
the validator and also of problems in Lynx.

> I went and tried  `Lynx/2.6  libwww-FM/2.14'  and yes,
> it also crash.  Just that it does when it reachs the
> specific page, rather than right after loading, as
> the older versions did.  I wonder what is in there...

So you see that Lynx2.6 is more stable :)  (but not perfect.)

By the way the crash did not occur with the brand new -popup flag
from the latest development code (from
and it did also not occur with the -dump flag.


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