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LYNX-DEV Invitation to be profiled in Who's Who Online(R) (fwd)

From: Rob Partington
Subject: LYNX-DEV Invitation to be profiled in Who's Who Online(R) (fwd)
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 1997 12:05:10 +0000 (GMT)

From Whos-Who-Online (

> Dear Rob:
> We're a strict HTML 2.0 site, for the purpose of being ubiquitous.  Your work 
> on LYNX is 
> important in this regard, and we'd love to have you as a Member (there's no 
> cost.)

Why do these people keep asking me???  It's not like I've done that much
work on Lynx compared with other people...

<fx:shakes head>
Rob Partington / Netlink Administrator / rjp<at>browser<dot>org
"I did the best that a person could do, maybe I'm not that smart..."
-- Victor DeLorenzo
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