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Re: LYNX-DEV How to fill up the forms off-line?

From: tzeruch
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV How to fill up the forms off-line?
Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 19:48:56 -0400

On Sun, 18 May 1997, Al Gilman wrote:

> The brute force approach is as follows:
> Starting with the page containing the form as the current document
> in Lynx, use \ to view the source and p)rint to save the source to
> a file.  

Slightly less brutal - the following awk scripts converts most forms into
shell scripts which can be edited, then run to send the output to a file
which can then be POSTed or sent.  You still need to edit the result
slightly if the remote doesn't like leading & or fields without data.

Not perfect, but it extracts the form related stuff.

The other way is to edit the HTML and send the post or get to your local
host if you are running a HTTPD and have a cgi script simply send the
contents to a temp file. 


#!/usr/bin/gawk -f
function stripit ( pval ) {
  if( substr(pval,0,1) == "\"" ) {
    pval = substr(pval,2,length(pval)-1);
    if( match( pval , "\"" ) )
      pval = substr(pval,0,RSTART-1);
  else if( match(pval," ") )
    pval = substr(pval,0,RSTART-1);
  gsub( "\>" , "", pval );
  return pval;

  RS = "\<" ; 
  FS = "\>" ; 
  underline = 
  blanks = "                                                                    
  tnst = 0;

  if( substr(toupper($1),0,4) == "FORM" ) {

    if( match(toupper($1), "METHOD=") ) {
      method = substr($1, RSTART+7 , 64 );
      if( match(method," ") )
        method = substr(method,0,RSTART-1);
      gsub( "\>" , "", method );
      gsub( "\"" , "" , method );

    if( match(toupper($1), "ACTION=") ) {
      url = substr($1, RSTART+7 , 64 );
      if( match(url," ") )
        url = substr(url,0,RSTART-1);
      gsub( "\>" , "", url );
      gsub( "\"" , "" , url );


    print "#upget (...)" url " -r " method ; 
    print "#BEGIN----------------------------------------"
  if( tnst ) {  
    if( substr(toupper($1),0,8) == "TEXTAREA" ) {
      print "#" $1 $2;

    if( substr(toupper($1),0,5) == "INPUT" ||
        substr(toupper($1),0,6) == "KEYGEN" ) {
#when blank...
      type = "TEXT";
      if( match(toupper($1), "TYPE=") ) {
        type = substr($1,RSTART+5,64);
        type = stripit( type );

#image / src=url , name (ret name.x= name.y=).

      name = "";
      value = "";
      checked = "echo -n \\&";
      size = 0;
      maxlength = 0;


      if( match(toupper($1), "NAME=") ) {
        name = substr($1,RSTART+5,64);
        name = stripit( name );
        gsub( " ", "+", name );

      if( match(toupper($1), "VALUE=") ) {
        value = substr($1,RSTART+6,64);
        value = stripit( value );
        gsub( " ", "+", value );
        gsub( "&", "%26", value );

      if( match(toupper(type),"RADIO") || match(toupper(type),"CHECKBOX") ) {
        checked = "#echo -n \\&";
        if( match(toupper($1), "CHECKED") )
          checked = "echo -n \\&";
      else if( match(toupper(type),"TEXT" ) || match(toupper(type),"PASSWORD") 
|| match(toupper(type),"HIDDEN")  ) {

        if( match(toupper($1), "SIZE=") ) {
          size = substr($1,RSTART+5,64);
          size = stripit( size );

        if( match(toupper($1), "MAXLENGTH=") ) {
          maxlength = substr($1,RSTART+10,64);
          maxlength = stripit( maxlength );

      else if( match(toupper(type),"SUBMIT" ) ) {
        checked = "#SUBMIT#echo -n \\&"
      else if( match(toupper(type),"RESET" ) ) {
        checked = "#RESET#"

      gsub("\t"," ",$2);

      print checked name "=" value \
        substr( blanks, 0, maxlength - length(value) ) \
        " #(" type ") " $2

#       substr( underline, 0, maxlength - size - length(value) ) \

    if( substr(toupper($1),0,6) == "SELECT" ) {


      name = "\t";
      if( match(toupper($1), "NAME=") ) {
        name = substr($1,RSTART+5,64);
        if( match(name," ") )
          name = substr(name,1,RSTART-1 );
        gsub( "\>" , "", name );
        gsub( "\"" , "" , name );

      print "#"
      if( match(toupper($1), "MULTIPLE") )
        print "#SELECT MULTIPLE:" name;
        print "#SELECT:" name;

      while ( 1 ) {

        gsub("\t"," ",$2);

        if( substr(toupper($1),0,6) == "OPTION" ) {
          value = "";
          if( match(toupper($1), "VALUE=") )
            value = substr($1,RSTART+6,64);
            value = $2;
          gsub( "^ ","", value );
          if( match(value," ") )
            value = substr(value,0,RSTART-1);
          gsub( "\>" , "", value );
          gsub( "\"" , "" , value );

          if( match(toupper($1), "SELECTED") )
            print "echo -n \\&" name "=" value " #" $2;
            print "#echo -n \\&" name "=" value " #" $2;

        if( substr(toupper($1),0,7) == "/SELECT" )
      print "#"


    if( substr(toupper($1),0,5) == "/FORM" ) {
      print "echo"
        print "#END----------------------------------------"


END { 
print ""; 

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