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LYNX-DEV RE: Table tags on the Canada Site

From: Jay W. Meeuwig
Subject: LYNX-DEV RE: Table tags on the Canada Site
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 20:08:30 -0300 (ADT)

Hi The browser that *i* am using - along with thousands of others on this 
and other COMMUNITY Net{s} - , is the Lynx { character_based} browser.
It is also used at "FreeNet"s etc. ... It has all the basic functions
that are needed in a character based browser; it gets distributed thru 
the GNU license... and consequently is very popular among "community" nets!

In fact the Canadian government is pumping money into further development
of Community Net software thru a project known here as Csuite, which is 
based on/around the Lynx browser...

Lynx is being developed and maintained by "volunteers" around the world!
It runs on Unix; VMS; and now also on Windows NT... { and probably more?}

I am actually on a "test team" that is evaluating the latest version
of "Lynx" [2.7.1] as installed at Chebucto Community Net...; 
it has very minimalist "table" capabilities... 

There was/is a recent discussion on "tables" in the "lynx-dev" forum... 
I shall forward some messages on same seperately...

Here is the URL where U may find more details about "Lynx"

Hope this helps,

PSt The URL where all this "started" is:

On Fri, 11 Jul 1997 address@hidden wrote:

> We are very concerned about access issues relating to the Canada Site.
> For this reason we do not use various newer technologies like
> JavaScript, frames, etc.  Tables are supported by many browsers going
> back several years.  What browser are you running and have you
> considered switching to a newer version of it or another browser?
> I am not saying that you should  make changes on your end to solve the
> problem, it is simply a suggestion.  I am interested in your browser
> type and version so that I can obtain it and test with it.
> I will forward your comments to the manager of the Canada Site.  Thank
> you very much for taking the time to inform us about the difficulties
> that you have encountered using the Canada Site.
> Robert Chapman

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