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lynx-dev <BR> does not accumulate

From: Al Gilman
Subject: lynx-dev <BR> does not accumulate
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 16:17:03 -0400 (EDT)

to follow up on what Philip Webb said:

> Lynx collapses multiple  <br>  tags into  1  for some reason,
> which no-one has ever explained to my satisfaction:...

From the HTML 4 specification:

#                                    Paragraphs, Lines, and Phrases (p19 of 32
   The [222]BR element forcibly breaks (ends) the current line of text.

   For visual user agents, the [223]clear attribute can be used to
   determine whether markup following the [224]BR element flows around
   images and other objects floated to the left or right margin, or
   whether it starts after the bottom of such objects. Further details
   are given in the section on [225]alignment and floating objects.
   Authors are advised to use style sheets to control text flow around
   floating images and other objects.

   With respect to bidirectional formatting, the [226]BR element should
   behave the same way the [227][ISO10646] LINE SEPARATOR character
   behaves in the bidirectional algorithm.

<BR> is a directive which says: "the text after the <BR> should
be on a line after the text before the <BR>.  It ends the current
line, it does not introduce a new line.  Hence <BR><BR> has the
same effect as <BR>.  Lynx didn't 'collapse' them, it honored
each and every one.  The <BR> following the <BR> is not text, it
does not appear on a line.  The following _text_ appears after a
new line starts.


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