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lynx-dev 2.8.2dev.16 patch 1 - Keys, tab changes

From: Klaus Weide
Subject: lynx-dev 2.8.2dev.16 patch 1 - Keys, tab changes
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 18:08:13 -0600 (CST)

Doug has been too busy... I had these changes ready, then he sent
his cleanup patch.  His changes are now included here, hopefully
correctly.  So don't try to use both this and his patch together.

To avoid misunderstandings: this is not a big cleanup, and it doesn't
add much of the needed comments for programmers to make future changes
easier.  It's more in the muddling along department.  Discussion about
systematic cleaning up of kemap stuff seems to have ceased for now, and
how to do this right, with future changes in mind, is more than just a
technical problem.  It's also not clear to me how the various mouse
things fit in, whether they could or should be changed more.

View the whole BACKTAB_KEY thing as kind of an experiment, what happens
if a new code is added?

The names for the new functions may be improvable.

Doug seems to be willing to continue making changes for the DOS versions
that become necessary as the lynxkeycodes change for non-DOS.  I have
tried to incorporate his latest patches, but he'll have to review this.

Note that the value 0x10F has "accidentally" already the same meaning 
in one of the DOS versions, according to one of the docs/*.key tables.

Things not done, although they probably would be easy now, also include
changes to the special interpretation of ^L and ^W.  There's also a
more-than-technical (i.e. "political") aspect to that - should binding
a key in lynx.cfg to REFRESH have unconditional effect in line editing


* New lynxkeycode BACKTAB_KEY with value 0x10F. DO_NOTHING is and shall
  remain 0x10E, as documented in lynx.cfg.  Moved MOUSE_KEY out of the
  way - does it need to be in the tables at all?
  BACKTAB_KEY will be recognized if the (n)curses keypad() input
  handling returns KEY_BTAB, which happens if the terminal description
  has the right kB or kcbt capability string and the terminal actually
  generates that string (often "^[[Z", generated for shift+tab).  May
  also work with lynx-keymaps mechanism.  Not tested with slang, maybe
  this has to be added to some more of the various tables in LYStrings.c.
* New user-visible key commands FASTFORW_LINK and FASTBACKW_LINK, with
  lynxactionscodes LYK_FASTFORW_LINK and LYK_FASTBACKW_LINK.  By default
  mapped from <tab> key (^I) and new BACKTAB_KEY, respectively.  Previously
  <tab> was mapped from NEXT_LINK, which has some special handling if the
  invoking key was <tab> (and if FASTTAB was defined in LYMainLoop.c, which
  was the case by default).  The old behavior of <tab> is still available
  if it is mapped with KEYMAP to NEXT_LINK in lynx.cfg.
* These commands always go to a previous (or next) link if there is one,
  and skip multiple lines that are part of the same textarea.
* Recognize the new key actions also during partial file display, for
  some roughly corresponding movement.
* New lynxeditactioncode LYE_FORM_PASS, to allow any lynxkeycode to end
  the editing of a form field and be passed up to the caller - it will then
  normally be mapped to a lynxactioncode.  LYE_FORM_PASS keys are generally
  ignored in non-forms line editing.  This is used for BACKTAB_KEY, as
  well as several other keys that were previously handled specially in
* Extended the maps in LYEditmap.c to cover the same range of lynxkeycodes
  as the LYKeymap.c tables.  Yes, this uses more space, but the tables
  need to be consistent.
* Map lynxkeycode 0x00 to LYK_DO_NOTHING, as lynx.cfg said all the time.
* Some tweaks of displayed strings in 'K'ey Map page.  Don't show CHANGE_LINK
  binding if mouse not enabled (it may not be useful even when -use_mouse
  is on).
* Function expand_substring used with NCURSES for user-defined mapping
  keysyms to byte sequences was parsing the "^(...)" construct wrong.
* Other small tweaks in key handling code.
* Changes to lynx.cfg to better reflect reality.
* Terminology note: lynxkeycode = what's between the colons in lynx.cfg
  KEYMAP:...:..., lynxactioncode = LYK_* code for what's right of the
  second colon, lynxeditactioncode = what's assigned in LYEditmap.c (and
  which may differ between lineedit_mode Default Binding and alternative
* Formatting tweak in HTML.c for <DD> not preceded by <DT>: Don't use
  wrong indentation in that case.
* Changes from DK for DOS up to 1999-02-14

--- lynx2-8-2.old/src/GridText.c        Mon Feb  8 09:32:58 1999
+++ lynx2-8-2/src/GridText.c    Sat Feb 13 12:26:08 1999
@@ -3947,10 +3947,10 @@
  *  HTGetLinkInfo returns some link info based on the number.
- *  If want_go is not NULL, caller requests to know a line number for
+ *  If want_go is not 0, caller requests to know a line number for
  *  the link indicated by number.  It will be returned in *go_line, and
  *  *linknum will be set to an index into the links[] array, to use after
- *  the line in *line has been made the new top screen line.
+ *  the line in *go_line has been made the new top screen line.
  *  *hightext and *lname are unchanged. - KW
  *  If want_go is 0 and the number doesn't represent an input field, info
@@ -4107,6 +4107,263 @@
+       }
+    }
+    return(NO);
+PRIVATE BOOLEAN same_anchor_or_field ARGS5(
+    int,               numberA,
+    FormInfo *,                formA,
+    int,               numberB,
+    FormInfo *,                formB,
+    BOOLEAN,           ta_same)
+    if (numberA > 0 || numberB > 0) {
+       if (numberA == numberB)
+           return(YES);
+       else if (!ta_same)
+           return(NO);
+    }
+    if (formA || formB) {
+       if (formA == formB) {
+           return(YES);
+       } else if (!ta_same) {
+           return(NO);
+       } else if (!(formA && formB)) {
+           return(NO);
+       }
+    } else {
+       return(NO);
+    }
+    if (formA->type != formB->type ||
+       formA->type != F_TEXTAREA_TYPE || formB->type != F_TEXTAREA_TYPE) {
+       return(NO);
+    }
+    if (formA->number != formB->number)
+       return(NO);
+    if (!formA->name || !formB->name)
+       return(YES);
+    return(strcmp(formA->name, formB->name) == 0);
+#define same_anchor_as_link(i,a) (i >= 0 && a &&\
+               same_anchor_or_field(links[i].anchor_number,\
+                (links[i].type == WWW_FORM_LINK_TYPE) ? links[i].form : NULL,\
+               a->number,\
+               (a->link_type == INPUT_ANCHOR) ? a->input_field : NULL,\
+               ta_skip))
+#define same_anchors(a1,a2) (a1 && a2 &&\
+               same_anchor_or_field(a1->number,\
+               (a1->link_type == INPUT_ANCHOR) ? a1->input_field : NULL,\
+               a2->number,\
+               (a2->link_type == INPUT_ANCHOR) ? a2->input_field : NULL,\
+               ta_skip))
+ *  HTGetLinkOrFieldStart - moving to previous or next link or form field.
+ *
+ *  On input,
+ *     curlink: current link, as index in links[] array (-1 if none)
+ *     direction: whether to move up or down (or stay where we are)
+ *     ta_skip: if FALSE, input fields belonging to the same textarea are
+ *              are treated as different fields, as usual;
+ *              if TRUE, fields of the same textarea are treated as a
+ *              group for skipping.
+ *  The caller wants a information for positioning on the new link to be
+ *  deposited in *go_line and (if linknum is not NULL) *linknum.
+ *
+ *  On failure (no more links in the requested direction) returns NO
+ *  and doesn't change *go_line or *linknum.  Otherwise, LINK_DO_ARROWUP
+ *  may be returned, and *go_line and *linknum not changed, to indicate that
+ *  the caller should use a normal PREV_LINK or PREV_PAGE mechanism.
+ *  Otherwise:
+ *  The number (0-based counting) for the new top screen line will be returned
+ *  in *go_line, and *linknum will be set to an index into the links[] array,
+ *  to use after the line in *go_line has been made the new top screen
+ *  line. - kw
+ */
+PUBLIC int HTGetLinkOrFieldStart ARGS5(
+       int,            curlink,
+       int *,          go_line,
+       int *,          linknum,
+       int,            direction,
+       BOOLEAN,        ta_skip)
+    TextAnchor *a;
+    int anchors_this_line = 0;
+    int prev_anchor_line = -1, prev_prev_anchor_line = -1;
+    struct agroup {
+       TextAnchor *anc;
+       int prev_anchor_line;
+       int anchors_this_line;
+       int anchors_this_group;
+    } previous, current;
+    struct agroup *group_to_go = NULL;
+    if (!HTMainText)
+       return(NO);
+    previous.anc = current.anc = NULL;
+    previous.prev_anchor_line = current.prev_anchor_line = -1;
+    previous.anchors_this_line = current.anchors_this_line = 0;
+    previous.anchors_this_group = current.anchors_this_group = 0;
+    for (a = HTMainText->first_anchor; a; a = a->next) {
+       /*
+        *  Count anchors, first on current line if there is more
+        *  than one.  We have to count all links, including form
+        *  field anchors and others with a->number == 0, because
+        *  they are or will be included in the links[] array.
+        *  The exceptions are hidden form fields and anchors with
+        *  show_anchor not set, because they won't appear in links[]
+        *  and don't count towards nlinks. - KW
+        */
+       if ((a->show_anchor) &&
+           (a->link_type != INPUT_ANCHOR ||
+            a->input_field->type != F_HIDDEN_TYPE)) {
+           if (a->line_num == prev_anchor_line) {
+               anchors_this_line++;
+           } else {
+               /*
+                *  This anchor is on a different line than the previous one.
+                *  Remember which was the line number of the previous anchor,
+                *  for use in screen positioning later. - KW
+                */
+               anchors_this_line = 1;
+               prev_prev_anchor_line = prev_anchor_line;
+               prev_anchor_line = a->line_num;
+           }
+           if (!same_anchors(current.anc, a)) {
+               previous.anc = current.anc;
+               previous.prev_anchor_line = current.prev_anchor_line;
+               previous.anchors_this_line = current.anchors_this_line;
+               previous.anchors_this_group = current.anchors_this_group;
+               current.anc = a;
+               current.prev_anchor_line = prev_prev_anchor_line;
+               current.anchors_this_line = anchors_this_line;
+               current.anchors_this_group = 1;
+           } else {
+               current.anchors_this_group++;
+           }
+           if (curlink >= 0) {
+               if (same_anchor_as_link(curlink,a)) {
+                   if (direction == -1) {
+                       group_to_go = &previous;
+                       break;
+                   } else if (direction == 0) {
+                       group_to_go = &current;
+                       break;
+                   }
+               } else if (direction > 0 &&
+                          same_anchor_as_link(curlink,previous.anc)) {
+                   group_to_go = &current;
+                   break;
+               }
+           } else {
+               if (a->line_num >= HTMainText->top_of_screen) {
+                   if (direction < 0) {
+                       group_to_go = &previous;
+                       break;
+                   } else if (direction == 0) {
+                       if (previous.anc) {
+                           group_to_go = &previous;
+                           break;
+                       } else {
+                           group_to_go = &current;
+                           break;
+                       }
+                   } else {
+                       group_to_go = &current;
+                       break;
+                   }
+               }
+           }
+       }
+    }
+    if (!group_to_go && curlink < 0 && direction <= 0) {
+       group_to_go = &current;
+    }
+    if (group_to_go) {
+       a = group_to_go->anc;
+       if (a) {
+           int max_offset;
+           /*
+            *  We know where to go; most of the stuff below is just
+            *  tweaks to try to position the new screen in a specific
+            *  way.
+            *
+            *  In some cases going to a previous link can be done
+            *  via the normal LYK_PREV_LINK action, which may give
+            *  better positioning of the new screen. - kw
+            */
+           if (a->line_num < HTMainText->top_of_screen &&
+               a->line_num >= HTMainText->top_of_screen-(display_lines)) {
+               if ((curlink < 0 &&
+                    group_to_go->anchors_this_group == 1) ||
+                   (direction < 0 &&
+                    group_to_go != &current &&
+                    current.anc &&
+                    current.anc->line_num >= HTMainText->top_of_screen &&
+                    group_to_go->anchors_this_group == 1) ||
+                   (a->next &&
+                    a->next->line_num >= HTMainText->top_of_screen)) {
+                   return(LINK_DO_ARROWUP);
+               }
+           }
+           /*
+            *  The fundamental limitation of the current anchors_this_line
+            *  counter method is that we only can set *linknum to the right
+            *  index into the future links[] array if the line with our link
+            *  ends up being the first line with any links (that count) on
+            *  the new screen.  Subject to that restriction we still have
+            *  some vertical liberty (sometimes), and try to make the best
+            *  of it.  It may be a question of taste though. - kw
+            */
+           if (a->line_num <= (display_lines)) {
+               max_offset = 0;
+           } else if (a->line_num < HTMainText->top_of_screen) {
+               int screensback =
+                   (HTMainText->top_of_screen - a->line_num + (display_lines) 
- 1)
+                   / (display_lines);
+               max_offset = a->line_num - (HTMainText->top_of_screen -
+                                           screensback * (display_lines));
+           } else if (HTMainText->Lines - a->line_num <= (display_lines)) {
+               max_offset = a->line_num - (HTMainText->Lines - 
+           } else if (a->line_num >=
+                      HTMainText->top_of_screen+(display_lines)) {
+               int screensahead =
+                   (a->line_num - HTMainText->top_of_screen) / (display_lines);
+               max_offset = a->line_num - HTMainText->top_of_screen -
+                   screensahead * (display_lines);
+           } else {
+               max_offset = SEARCH_GOAL_LINE - 1;
+           }
+           /* Stuff below should remain unchanged if line positioning
+              is tweaked. - kw */
+           if (max_offset < 0)
+               max_offset = 0;
+           else if (max_offset >= display_lines)
+               max_offset = display_lines - 1;
+           *go_line = a->line_num - max_offset;
+           if (*go_line <= group_to_go->prev_anchor_line)
+               *go_line = group_to_go->prev_anchor_line + 1;
+#if 0
+           if (*go_line > HTMainText->top_of_screen &&
+               *go_line < HTMainText->top_of_screen+(display_lines) &&
+               HTMainText->top_of_screen+(display_lines) <= a->line_num &&
+               HTMainText->top_of_screen+2*(display_lines) <= 
+               *go_line = HTMainText->top_of_screen+(display_lines);
+           if (*go_line < 0)
+               *go_line = 0;
+           if (linknum)
+               *linknum = group_to_go->anchors_this_line - 1;
+           return(LINK_LINE_FOUND);
--- lynx2-8-2.old/src/GridText.h        Mon Feb  8 09:32:58 1999
+++ lynx2-8-2/src/GridText.h    Sat Feb 13 07:13:26 1999
@@ -149,6 +149,12 @@
        int *           linknum,
        char **         hightext,
        char **         lname));
+extern int HTGetLinkOrFieldStart PARAMS((
+       int             curlink,
+       int *           go_line,
+       int *           linknum,
+       int             direction,
+       BOOLEAN         ta_skip));
 extern BOOL HText_getFirstTargetInLine PARAMS((
        HText *         text,
        int             line_num,
--- lynx2-8-2.old/src/HTForms.h Sat Jul 25 03:01:02 1998
+++ lynx2-8-2/src/HTForms.h     Fri Feb 12 22:25:16 1999
@@ -124,7 +124,8 @@
 #define WWW_FORM_LINK_TYPE  1
 #define WWW_LINK_TYPE   2
 #define WWW_INTERN_LINK_TYPE   6 /* can be used as a bitflag... - kw */
-#define LINK_LINE_FOUND        8       /* used in follow_link_number - kw */
+#define LINK_LINE_FOUND        8       /* used in follow_link_number, others - 
kw */
+#define LINK_DO_ARROWUP        16      /* returned by HTGetLinkOrFieldStart - 
kw */
 /* #define different lynx modes */
--- lynx2-8-2.old/src/HTML.c    Mon Jan 18 11:29:20 1999
+++ lynx2-8-2/src/HTML.c        Sun Feb 14 13:14:30 1999
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@
-static char *Style_className;
+static char *Style_className = NULL;
 static char myHash[128];
 static int hcode;
@@ -2033,6 +2033,8 @@
        if (!me->style_change)  {
            if (HText_LastLineSize(me->text, FALSE)) {
                HText_appendCharacter(me->text, '\r');
+           } else {
+               HText_NegateLineOne(me->text);
        } else {
@@ -6839,6 +6841,9 @@
        styles[HTML_PRE]->alignment = HT_LEFT;
+    FREE(Style_className);
@@ -6925,6 +6930,9 @@
        styles[HTML_PRE]->alignment = HT_LEFT;
+    FREE(Style_className);
--- lynx2-8-2.old/src/LYEditmap.c       Wed Jan 13 10:37:34 1999
+++ lynx2-8-2/src/LYEditmap.c   Sun Feb 14 17:00:22 1999
@@ -4,13 +4,14 @@
 #include <HTUtils.h>
 #include <LYStrings.h>
+#include <LYKeymap.h>          /* only for KEYMAP_SIZE - kw */
 PUBLIC int current_lineedit = 0;  /* Index into LYLineEditors[]   */
  * See LYStrings.h for the LYE definitions.
-PRIVATE char DefaultEditBinding[]={
+PRIVATE char DefaultEditBinding[KEYMAP_SIZE-1]={
 LYE_NOP,        LYE_BOL,        LYE_DELPW,      LYE_ABORT,
 /* nul          ^A              ^B              ^C      */
@@ -100,17 +101,141 @@
 LYE_CHAR,       LYE_CHAR,       LYE_CHAR,       LYE_CHAR,
 /* 100..10F function key definitions in LYStrings.h */
-LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_FORW,       LYE_BACK,
 /* UPARROW      DNARROW         RTARROW         LTARROW     */
-LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_BOL,        LYE_EOL,
 /* PGDOWN       PGUP            HOME            END         */
+#if (defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(__DJGPP__))
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+/* F1 */
 LYE_NOP,        LYE_TAB,        LYE_BOL,        LYE_EOL,
 /* F1           Do key          Find key        Select key  */
-LYE_NOP,        LYE_DELP,       LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
-/* Insert key   Remove key      MOUSE_KEY       DO_NOTHING  */
+#endif /* _WINDOWS || __DJGPP__ */
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_DELP,       LYE_NOP,        LYE_FORM_PASS,
+/* Insert key   Remove key      DO_NOTHING      Back tab */
+/* 110..18F */
+#if (defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(__DJGPP__)) && defined(USE_SLANG) && 
+LYE_DELP,       LYE_ENTER,      LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+/* Backspace    Enter */
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+/*             MOUSE_KEY  */
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
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+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
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+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
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+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+/* 190..20F */
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
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+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+/* 210..28F */
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+/* 290..293 */
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
@@ -121,9 +246,10 @@
              /*                 ^K=delete-to-EOL,    ^X=delete-to-BOL,    */
              /*                 ^R=delete-prev-word, ^T=delete-next-word, */
              /*                 ^^=upper-case-line,  ^_=lower-case-line   */
+/* Why the difference for tab? - kw */
-PRIVATE char BetterEditBinding[]={
+PRIVATE char BetterEditBinding[KEYMAP_SIZE-1]={
 LYE_NOP,        LYE_BOL,        LYE_BACK,       LYE_ABORT,
 /* nul          ^A              ^B              ^C      */
@@ -213,17 +339,141 @@
 LYE_CHAR,       LYE_CHAR,       LYE_CHAR,       LYE_CHAR,
 /* 100..10E function key definitions in LYStrings.h */
-LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_FORW,       LYE_BACK,
 /* UPARROW      DNARROW         RTARROW         LTARROW     */
-LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_BOL,        LYE_EOL,
 /* PGDOWN       PGUP            HOME            END         */
+#if (defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(__DJGPP__))
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+/* F1 */
 LYE_NOP,        LYE_TAB,        LYE_BOL,        LYE_EOL,
 /* F1           Do key          Find key        Select key  */
-LYE_NOP,        LYE_DELP,       LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
-/* Insert key   Remove key      MOUSE_KEY       DO_NOTHING  */
+#endif /* _WINDOWS || __DJGPP__ */
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_DELP,       LYE_NOP,        LYE_FORM_PASS,
+/* Insert key   Remove key      DO_NOTHING      Back tab */
+/* 110..18F */
+#if (defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(__DJGPP__)) && defined(USE_SLANG) && 
+LYE_DELP,       LYE_ENTER,      LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+/* Backspace    Enter */
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+/*             MOUSE_KEY  */
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+/* 190..20F */
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
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+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
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+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+/* 210..28F */
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
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+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
+/* 290..293 */
+LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,        LYE_NOP,
--- lynx2-8-2.old/src/LYForms.c Mon Feb  8 09:32:58 1999
+++ lynx2-8-2/src/LYForms.c     Sun Feb 14 13:00:09 1999
@@ -375,6 +375,8 @@
        action = EditBinding(ch);
        if (action == LYE_ENTER)
+       if (action == LYE_FORM_PASS)
+           break;
        if (action == LYE_LKCMD) {
            ch = LYgetch();
@@ -399,17 +401,17 @@
        if (keymap[ch + 1] == LYK_REFRESH)
        switch (ch) {
+#ifdef NOTDEFINED      /* The first four are mapped to LYE_FORM_PASS now */
            case DNARROW:
            case UPARROW:
            case PGUP:
            case PGDOWN:
            case HOME:
            case END_KEY:
            case FIND_KEY:
            case SELECT_KEY:
-#endif /* NOTDEFINED */
                goto breakfor;
+#endif /* NOTDEFINED */
             *  Left arrrow in column 0 deserves special treatment here,
@@ -456,7 +458,9 @@
+#endif /* NOTDEFINED */
     if (Edited) {
        char  *p;
--- lynx2-8-2.old/src/LYKeymap.c        Mon Feb  8 09:32:58 1999
+++ lynx2-8-2/src/LYKeymap.c    Sun Feb 14 16:32:13 1999
@@ -46,13 +46,13 @@
 /* EOF */
-0,                  LYK_HOME,       LYK_PREV_PAGE,     0,
 /* nul */           /* ^A */        /* ^B */       /* ^C */
 LYK_ABORT,          LYK_END,        LYK_NEXT_PAGE,     0,
 /* ^D */            /* ^E */        /* ^F */       /* ^G */
 /* bs */            /* ht */        /* nl */       /* ^K */
@@ -164,9 +164,18 @@
 LYK_NOCACHE,            0,          LYK_INTERRUPT,     0,
 /* x */              /* y */          /* z */       /* { */
+#if (defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(__DJGPP__))
+LYK_PIPE,               0,              0,             0,
+/* | */               /* } */         /* ~ */
 LYK_PIPE,               0,              0,          LYK_HISTORY,
 /* | */               /* } */         /* ~ */       /* del */
+#endif /* _WINDOWS || __DJGPP__ */
 /* 80..9F (illegal ISO-8859-1) 8-bit characters. */
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
@@ -203,49 +212,38 @@
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
-/* 100..10E function key definitions in LYStrings.h */
+/* 100..10F function key definitions in LYStrings.h */
 /* UPARROW */     /* DNARROW */     /* RTARROW */   /* LTARROW */
 /* PGDOWN */      /* PGUP */        /* HOME */      /* END */
-#if defined(__DJGPP__) ||  defined(_WINDOWS)
-#ifdef USE_SLANG
-LYK_END,          LYK_HOME,         LYK_PREV_PAGE,     0,
-/* END */        /* HOME */          /* PGUP */       /* B2 Key */
-LYK_END,          LYK_NEXT_PAGE,       0,
-/* END */         /* PGDOWN */
+#if (defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(__DJGPP__))
+LYK_HELP,              0,              0,             0,
+/* F1*/
-   0,             LYK_HELP,            0,              0,
-/* F0 */         /* F1 */          /* F2 */        /* F3 */
-   0,                  0,              0,
-#endif /* USE_SLANG */
 /* F1*/          /* Do key */      /* Find key */  /* Select key */
-/* Insert key */  /* Remove key */
+#endif /* _WINDOWS || __DJGPP__ */
-#endif /* __DJGPP__ || _WINDOWS */
-/* 10F..18F */
+/* Insert key */  /* Remove key */  /* DO_NOTHING*/ /* Back tab */
-   0,
-#if defined(USE_SLANG) && !defined(DJGPP_KEYHANDLER)
+/* 110..18F */
+#if (defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(__DJGPP__)) && defined(USE_SLANG) && 
    LYK_HISTORY,        LYK_ACTIVATE,   0,             0,
    /* Backspace */     /* Enter */
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
-#endif /* USE_SLANG */
-   0,                  0,              0,             0,
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,             LYK_DO_NOTHING,      0,             0,
+               /* 0x11d: MOUSE_KEY */
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
@@ -253,16 +251,12 @@
    0,                  LYK_ABORT,      0,             0,
                        /* ALT_X */
-   0,                  0,              0,             0,
-   0,                  0,              0,             0,
-   0,                  0,              0,             LYK_HELP,
-                                                      /* F1 */
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
+#endif /* DJGPP_KEYHANDLER */
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
-#endif /* DJGPP_KEYHANDLER */
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
@@ -296,17 +290,27 @@
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
+#if (defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(__DJGPP__)) && !defined(USE_SLANG) /* 
PDCurses */
    LYK_ABORT,          0,              0,             0,
    /* ALT_X */
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
-   0,                  0,              0,           LYK_ACTIVATE,
-                                                    /* KP_ENTER */
+   0,                  0,              LYK_WHEREIS,   LYK_ACTIVATE,
+                                       /* KP_SLASH    KP_ENTER */
    0,                  0,              0,           LYK_IMAGE_TOGGLE,
                                                     /* KP_* */
    LYK_PREV_PAGE,      LYK_NEXT_PAGE,  0,             0,
    /* KP_- */          /* KP_+ */
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+#endif /* (_WINDOWS || __DJGPP__) && !USE_SLANG */
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
@@ -318,12 +322,7 @@
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
-#if defined(USE_SLANG) && !defined(DJGPP_KEYHANDLER)
-   0,                  LYK_HELP,       0,             0,
-                       /* F1 */
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
-#endif /* USE_SLANG */
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
@@ -509,7 +508,7 @@
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
    0,                  0,              0,             0,
-/* 100..10E function key definitions in LYStrings.h */
+/* 100..10F function key definitions in LYStrings.h */
    0,                   0,             0,              0,
 /* UPARROW */     /* DNARROW */     /* RTARROW */   /* LTARROW */
@@ -519,11 +518,113 @@
    0,                  0,              0,              0,
 /* F1*/          /* Do key */      /* Find key */  /* Select key */
-   0,                  0,
-/* Insert key */  /* Remove key */
+   0,                  0,           LYK_DO_NOTHING,    0,
+/* Insert key */  /* Remove key */  /* DO_NOTHING */ /* Back tab */
+/* 110..18F */
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+/* 190..20F */
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+/* 210..28F */
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
+   /* 290...293 */
+   0,                  0,              0,             0,
@@ -558,6 +659,8 @@
 { "END",               "go to the end of the current document" },
 { "PREV_LINK",         "make the previous link current" },
 { "NEXT_LINK",         "make the next link current" },
+{ "FASTBACKW_LINK",    "previous link or text area, only stops on links" },
+{ "FASTFORW_LINK",     "next link or text area, only stops on links" },
 { "UP_LINK",           "move up the page to a previous link" },
 { "DOWN_LINK",         "move down the page to another link" },
 { "RIGHT_LINK",                "move right to another link" },
@@ -570,7 +673,7 @@
 { "HELP",              "display help on using the browser" },
 { "INDEX",             "display an index of potentially useful documents" },
 { "NOCACHE",           "force submission of form or link with no-cache" },
-{ "INTERRUPT",         "interrupt network transmission" },
+{ "INTERRUPT",         "interrupt network connection or transmission" },
 { "MAIN_MENU",         "return to the first screen (home page)" },
 { "OPTIONS",           "display and change option settings" },
 { "INDEX_SEARCH",      "allow searching of an index" },
@@ -641,7 +744,12 @@
   "Find key",
   "Select key",
   "Insert key",
-  "Remove key"
+  "Remove key",
+  "(DO_NOTHING)",              /* should normally not appear in list */
+  "Back Tab",
+  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+  0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+  "mouse pseudo key",          /* normally not mapped to keymap[] action? */
 PRIVATE char *pretty ARGS1 (int, c)
@@ -649,22 +757,23 @@
        static char buf[30];
        if (c == '\t')
-               sprintf(buf, "&lt;tab&gt;       ");
+               sprintf(buf, "&lt;tab&gt;      ");
        else if (c == '\r')
-               sprintf(buf, "&lt;return&gt;    ");
+               sprintf(buf, "&lt;return&gt;   ");
        else if (c == ' ')
-               sprintf(buf, "&lt;space&gt;     ");
+               sprintf(buf, "&lt;space&gt;    ");
        else if (c == '<')
-               sprintf(buf, "&lt;           ");
+               sprintf(buf, "&lt;          ");
        else if (c == '>')
-               sprintf(buf, "&gt;           ");
+               sprintf(buf, "&gt;          ");
        else if (c == 0177)
-               sprintf(buf, "&lt;delete&gt;    ");
+               sprintf(buf, "&lt;delete&gt;   ");
        else if (c > ' ' && c <= 0377)
                sprintf(buf, "%c", c);
        else if (c < ' ')
                sprintf(buf, "^%c", c|0100);
-       else if (c >= 0400 && (c - 0400) < (int) TABLESIZE(funckey))
+       else if (c >= 0400 && (c - 0400) < (int) TABLESIZE(funckey)
+                && funckey[c-0400])
                sprintf(buf, "%s", funckey[c-0400]);
        else if (c >= 0400)
                sprintf(buf, "%#x", c);
@@ -687,7 +796,7 @@
      && revmap[the_key].name != 0
      && revmap[the_key].doc != 0
      && (formatted = pretty(i-1)) != 0) {
-       HTSprintf0(&buf, "%-12s%-14s%s\n", formatted,
+       HTSprintf0(&buf, "%-11s %-13s %s\n", formatted,
        return buf;
@@ -755,9 +864,12 @@
     for (i = 1; i < KEYMAP_SIZE; i++) {
         *  LYK_PIPE not implemented yet.
+        *
+        *  Don't show CHANGE_LINK if mouse not enabled.
        if ((i >= 0400 || i <= ' ' || !isalpha(i-1)) &&
-           strcmp(revmap[keymap[i]].name, "PIPE")) {
+           strcmp(revmap[keymap[i]].name, "PIPE") &&
+           (LYUseMouse || strcmp(revmap[keymap[i]].name, "CHANGE_LINK"))) {
            print_binding(target, i);
--- lynx2-8-2.old/src/LYKeymap.h        Thu Jan 28 15:31:28 1999
+++ lynx2-8-2/src/LYKeymap.h    Fri Feb 12 22:25:13 1999
@@ -56,65 +56,67 @@
 #define       LYK_END           23
 #define       LYK_PREV_LINK     24
 #define       LYK_NEXT_LINK     25
-#define       LYK_UP_LINK       26
-#define       LYK_DOWN_LINK     27
-#define       LYK_RIGHT_LINK    28
-#define       LYK_LEFT_LINK     29
-#define       LYK_HISTORY       30
-#define       LYK_PREV_DOC      31
-#define       LYK_ACTIVATE      32
-#define       LYK_GOTO          33
-#define       LYK_ECGOTO        34
-#define       LYK_HELP          35
-#define       LYK_INDEX         36
-#define       LYK_NOCACHE       37
-#define       LYK_INTERRUPT     38
-#define       LYK_MAIN_MENU     39
-#define       LYK_OPTIONS       40
-#define       LYK_INDEX_SEARCH  41
-#define       LYK_WHEREIS       42
-#define       LYK_NEXT          43
-#define       LYK_COMMENT       44
-#define       LYK_EDIT          45
-#define       LYK_INFO          46
-#define       LYK_PRINT         47
-#define       LYK_ADD_BOOKMARK  48
-#define       LYK_DEL_BOOKMARK  49
-#define       LYK_VIEW_BOOKMARK 50
-#define       LYK_VLINKS        51
-#define       LYK_SHELL         52
-#define       LYK_DOWNLOAD      53
-#define       LYK_TRACE_TOGGLE  54
-#define       LYK_TRACE_LOG     55
-#define       LYK_IMAGE_TOGGLE  56
-#define       LYK_INLINE_TOGGLE 57
-#define       LYK_HEAD          58
-#define       LYK_DO_NOTHING    59
-#define       LYK_TOGGLE_HELP   60
-#define       LYK_JUMP          61
-#define       LYK_KEYMAP        62
-#define       LYK_LIST          63
-#define       LYK_TOOLBAR       64
-#define       LYK_HISTORICAL    65
-#define       LYK_MINIMAL       66
-#define       LYK_SOFT_DQUOTES  67
-#define       LYK_RAW_TOGGLE    68
-#define       LYK_COOKIE_JAR    69
-#define       LYK_F_LINK_NUM    70
-#define       LYK_CLEAR_AUTH    71
-#define       LYK_SWITCH_DTD    72
-#define       LYK_ELGOTO        73
-#define       LYK_CHANGE_LINK   74
-#define              LYK_EDIT_TEXTAREA 75
+#define       LYK_FASTBACKW_LINK 26
+#define       LYK_FASTFORW_LINK 27
+#define       LYK_UP_LINK       28
+#define       LYK_DOWN_LINK     29
+#define       LYK_RIGHT_LINK    30
+#define       LYK_LEFT_LINK     31
+#define       LYK_HISTORY       32
+#define       LYK_PREV_DOC      33
+#define       LYK_ACTIVATE      34
+#define       LYK_GOTO          35
+#define       LYK_ECGOTO        36
+#define       LYK_HELP          37
+#define       LYK_INDEX         38
+#define       LYK_NOCACHE       39
+#define       LYK_INTERRUPT     40
+#define       LYK_MAIN_MENU     41
+#define       LYK_OPTIONS       42
+#define       LYK_INDEX_SEARCH  43
+#define       LYK_WHEREIS       44
+#define       LYK_NEXT          45
+#define       LYK_COMMENT       46
+#define       LYK_EDIT          47
+#define       LYK_INFO          48
+#define       LYK_PRINT         49
+#define       LYK_ADD_BOOKMARK  50
+#define       LYK_DEL_BOOKMARK  51
+#define       LYK_VIEW_BOOKMARK 52
+#define       LYK_VLINKS        53
+#define       LYK_SHELL         54
+#define       LYK_DOWNLOAD      55
+#define       LYK_TRACE_TOGGLE  56
+#define       LYK_TRACE_LOG     57
+#define       LYK_IMAGE_TOGGLE  58
+#define       LYK_INLINE_TOGGLE 59
+#define       LYK_HEAD          60
+#define       LYK_DO_NOTHING    61
+#define       LYK_TOGGLE_HELP   62
+#define       LYK_JUMP          63
+#define       LYK_KEYMAP        64
+#define       LYK_LIST          65
+#define       LYK_TOOLBAR       66
+#define       LYK_HISTORICAL    67
+#define       LYK_MINIMAL       68
+#define       LYK_SOFT_DQUOTES  69
+#define       LYK_RAW_TOGGLE    70
+#define       LYK_COOKIE_JAR    71
+#define       LYK_F_LINK_NUM    72
+#define       LYK_CLEAR_AUTH    73
+#define       LYK_SWITCH_DTD    74
+#define       LYK_ELGOTO        75
+#define       LYK_CHANGE_LINK   76
+#define              LYK_EDIT_TEXTAREA 77
-#define       LYK_EXTERN        76
+#define       LYK_EXTERN        78
 #if defined(VMS) || defined(DIRED_SUPPORT)
-#define       LYK_DIRED_MENU    77
+#define       LYK_DIRED_MENU    79
 #endif /* VMS || DIRED_SUPPORT */
 #else  /* USE_EXTERNALS */
 #if defined(VMS) || defined(DIRED_SUPPORT)
-#define       LYK_DIRED_MENU    76
+#define       LYK_DIRED_MENU    78
 #endif /* VMS || DIRED_SUPPORT */
 #endif /* !defined(USE_EXTERNALS) */
--- lynx2-8-2.old/src/LYMainLoop.c      Mon Feb  8 09:32:58 1999
+++ lynx2-8-2/src/LYMainLoop.c  Sat Feb 13 06:16:02 1999
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
 #define FASTTAB
-#ifdef FASTTAB
 PRIVATE int sametext ARGS2(
        char *,         een,
        char *,         twee)
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@
        return (strcmp(een, twee) == 0);
     return TRUE;
-#endif /* FASTTAB */
 PUBLIC HTList * Goto_URLs = NULL;  /* List of Goto URLs */
@@ -2407,6 +2406,176 @@
+       case LYK_FASTFORW_LINK:
+       {
+           int samepage = 0, nextlink =;
+           if (nlinks > 1) {
+               /*
+                *  If in textarea, move to first link or field
+                *  after it if there is one on this screen. - kw
+                */
+               if (links[].type == WWW_FORM_LINK_TYPE &&
+                   links[].form->type == F_TEXTAREA_TYPE) {
+                   int thisgroup = links[].form->number;
+                   char *thisname = links[].form->name;
+                   if ( < nlinks-1 &&
+                       !(links[nlinks-1].type == WWW_FORM_LINK_TYPE &&
+                         links[nlinks-1].form->type == F_TEXTAREA_TYPE &&
+                         links[nlinks-1].form->number == thisgroup &&
+                         sametext(links[nlinks-1].form->name, thisname))) {
+                       do nextlink++;
+                       while
+                           (links[nextlink].type == WWW_FORM_LINK_TYPE &&
+                            links[nextlink].form->type == F_TEXTAREA_TYPE &&
+                            links[nextlink].form->number == thisgroup &&
+                            sametext(links[nextlink].form->name, thisname));
+                       samepage = 1;
+                   } else if (!more && Newline == 1 && > 0) {
+                       nextlink = 0;
+                       samepage = 1;
+                   }
+               } else if ( < nlinks-1) {
+                   nextlink++;
+                   samepage = 1;
+               } else if (!more && Newline == 1 && > 0) {
+                   nextlink = 0;
+                   samepage = 1;
+               }
+           }
+           if (samepage) {
+               highlight(OFF,, prev_target);
+      = nextlink;
+               break;          /* and we are done. */
+           /*
+            *  At the bottom of list and there is only one page.
+            *  Move to the top link on the page.
+            */
+           } else if (!more && Newline == 1 && == nlinks-1) {
+               highlight(OFF,, prev_target);
+      = 0;
+           } else if (more &&  /* need a later page */
+                      HTGetLinkOrFieldStart(,
+                                            &Newline, &,
+                                            +1, TRUE) != NO) {
+               Newline++;      /* our line counting starts with 1 not 0 */
+               /* nothing more to do here */
+           } else if (old_c != real_c) {
+               old_c = real_c;
+               HTInfoMsg(NO_LINKS_BELOW);
+           }
+           break;
+       }
+       case LYK_FASTBACKW_LINK:
+       {
+           int samepage = 0, nextlink =;
+           int res;
+           if (nlinks > 1) {
+               /*
+                *  If in textarea, move to first link or textarea group
+                *  before it if there is one on this screen. - kw
+                */
+               if (links[].type == WWW_FORM_LINK_TYPE &&
+                   links[].form->type == F_TEXTAREA_TYPE) {
+                   int thisgroup = links[].form->number;
+                   char *thisname = links[].form->name;
+                   if ( > 0 &&
+                       !(links[0].type == WWW_FORM_LINK_TYPE &&
+                         links[0].form->type == F_TEXTAREA_TYPE &&
+                         links[0].form->number == thisgroup &&
+                         sametext(links[0].form->name, thisname))) {
+                       do nextlink--;
+                       while
+                           (links[nextlink].type == WWW_FORM_LINK_TYPE &&
+                            links[nextlink].form->type == F_TEXTAREA_TYPE &&
+                            links[nextlink].form->number == thisgroup &&
+                            sametext(links[nextlink].form->name, thisname));
+                       samepage = 1;
+                   } else if (!more && Newline == 1 &&
+                              (links[0].type == WWW_FORM_LINK_TYPE &&
+                               links[0].form->type == F_TEXTAREA_TYPE &&
+                               links[0].form->number == thisgroup &&
+                               sametext(links[0].form->name, thisname)) &&
+                              !(links[nlinks-1].type == WWW_FORM_LINK_TYPE &&
+                                links[nlinks-1].form->type == F_TEXTAREA_TYPE 
+                                links[nlinks-1].form->number == thisgroup &&
+                                sametext(links[nlinks-1].form->name, 
thisname))) {
+                       nextlink = nlinks - 1;
+                       samepage = 1;
+                   } else if (!more && Newline == 1 && > 0) {
+                       nextlink = 0;
+                       samepage = 1;
+                   }
+               } else if ( > 0) {
+                   nextlink--;
+                   samepage = 1;
+               } else if (!more && Newline == 1) {
+                   nextlink = nlinks - 1;
+                   samepage = 1;
+               }
+           }
+           if (samepage) {
+               /*
+                *  If the link as determined so far is part of a
+                *  group of textarea fields, try to use the first
+                *  of them that's on the screen instead. - kw
+                */
+               if (nextlink > 0 &&
+                   links[nextlink].type == WWW_FORM_LINK_TYPE &&
+                   links[nextlink].form->type == F_TEXTAREA_TYPE) {
+                   int thisgroup = links[nextlink].form->number;
+                   char *thisname = links[nextlink].form->name;
+                   if (links[0].type == WWW_FORM_LINK_TYPE &&
+                       links[0].form->type == F_TEXTAREA_TYPE &&
+                       links[0].form->number == thisgroup &&
+                       sametext(links[0].form->name, thisname)) {
+                       nextlink = 0;
+                   } else
+                       while
+                           (nextlink > 1 &&
+                            links[nextlink-1].type == WWW_FORM_LINK_TYPE &&
+                            links[nextlink-1].form->type == F_TEXTAREA_TYPE &&
+                            links[nextlink-1].form->number == thisgroup &&
+                            sametext(links[nextlink-1].form->name, thisname)) {
+                           nextlink--;
+                       }
+               }
+               highlight(OFF,, prev_target);
+      = nextlink;
+               break;          /* and we are done. */
+           } else if (Newline > 1 &&   /* need a previous page */
+                      (res = HTGetLinkOrFieldStart(,
+                                                   &Newline, &,
+                                                   -1, TRUE)) != NO) {
+               if (res == LINK_DO_ARROWUP) {
+                   /*
+                    *  It says we should use the normal PREV_LINK
+                    *  mechanism, so we'll do that. - kw
+                    */
+                   if (nlinks > 0)
+              = 0;
+                   cmd = LYK_PREV_LINK;
+                   goto new_cmd;
+               }
+               Newline++;      /* our line counting starts with 1 not 0 */
+               /* nothing more to do here */
+           } else if (old_c != real_c) {
+               old_c = real_c;
+               HTInfoMsg(NO_LINKS_ABOVE);
+           }
+           break;
+       }
        case LYK_UP_LINK:
            if ( > 0 &&
--- lynx2-8-2.old/src/LYStrings.c       Mon Feb  8 09:32:58 1999
+++ lynx2-8-2/src/LYStrings.c   Sun Feb 14 16:43:26 1999
@@ -701,6 +701,8 @@
                if (s == 0)
                    s = first + strlen(first);
                first = expand_tiname(first, s-first, &dst);
+               if (*first)
+                   first++;
            } else if (ch == '?') {             /* ASCII delete? */
                *dst++ = 127;
            } else if ((ch & 0x3f) < 0x20) {    /* ASCII control char? */
@@ -1091,7 +1093,7 @@
      return sl_read_mouse_event ();
-   if ((keysym > DO_NOTHING) || (keysym < 0))
+   if ((keysym+1 >= KEYMAP_SIZE) || (keysym < 0))
      return 0;
    return keysym;
@@ -1103,7 +1105,7 @@
     return LYgetch();
-#else /* !USE_KEYMAPS */
+#else  /* NOT  defined(USE_KEYMAPS) && defined(USE_SLANG) */
  *  LYgetch() translates some escape sequences and may fake noecho.
@@ -1372,10 +1374,10 @@
           c = CH_DEL;             /* backspace key (delete, not Ctrl-H)  S/390 
-- gil -- 2041 */
 #endif /* KEY_BACKSPACE */
-#if defined(KEY_F) && !defined(__DJGPP__) && !defined(_WINDOWS)
        case KEY_F(1):
           c = F1;                 /* VTxxx Help */
+#if defined(KEY_F) && !defined(__DJGPP__) && !defined(_WINDOWS)
        case KEY_F(16):
           c = DO_KEY;             /* VTxxx Do */
@@ -1405,6 +1407,33 @@
           c = REMOVE_KEY;         /* VTxxx Remove */
 #endif /* KEY_DC */
+#ifdef KEY_BTAB
+       case KEY_BTAB:
+          c = BACKTAB_KEY;        /* Back tab, often Shift-Tab */
+          break;
+#endif /* KEY_BTAB */
+/* The following maps PDCurses keys away from lynx reserved values */
+#if (defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(__DJGPP__)) && !defined(USE_SLANG)
+       case KEY_F(2):
+          c = 0x213;
+          break;
+       case KEY_F(3):
+          c = 0x214;
+          break;
+       case KEY_F(4):
+          c = 0x215;
+          break;
+       case KEY_F(5):
+          c = 0x216;
+          break;
+       case KEY_F(6):
+          c = 0x217;
+          break;
+       case KEY_F(7):
+          c = 0x218;
+          break;
+#endif /* PDCurses */
        case KEY_MOUSE:
            if (code == FOR_CHOICE) {
@@ -1504,6 +1533,29 @@
        case K_EEnd:
           c = END_KEY;
+       case K_F1:                 /* F1 key */
+          c = F1;
+          break;
+       case K_Insert:             /* Insert key */
+       case K_EInsert:
+          c = INSERT_KEY;
+          break;
+       case K_Delete:             /* Delete key */
+       case K_EDelete:
+          c = REMOVE_KEY;
+          break;
+       case K_Alt_Escape:         /* Alt-Escape */
+          c = 0x1a7;
+          break;
+       case K_Control_At:         /* CTRL-@ */
+          c = 0x1a8;
+          break;
+       case K_Alt_Backspace:      /* Alt-Backspace */
+          c = 0x1a9;
+          break;
+       case K_BackTab:            /* BackTab */
+          c = BACKTAB_KEY;
+          break;
 #endif /* DGJPP_KEYHANDLER */
@@ -1538,6 +1590,15 @@
        case SL_KEY_C1:            /* lower left of keypad */
           c = END_KEY;
+       case SL_KEY_F(1):          /* F1 key */
+          c = F1;
+          break;
+       case SL_KEY_IC:            /* Insert key */
+          c = INSERT_KEY;
+          break;
+       case SL_KEY_DELETE:        /* Delete key */
+          c = REMOVE_KEY;
+          break;
@@ -1554,7 +1615,7 @@
-#endif                                /* NOT USE_KEYMAPS */
+#endif /* NOT  defined(USE_KEYMAPS) && defined(USE_SLANG) */
  * Convert a null-terminated string to lowercase
@@ -1770,7 +1831,8 @@
     case LYE_CHAR:
-       if (map_active && ch < 128 && LYKbLayouts[current_layout][ch])
+       if (map_active && ch < 128 && ch >= 0 &&
+           LYKbLayouts[current_layout][ch])
            ch = UCTransUniChar((long) LYKbLayouts[current_layout][ch],
@@ -2075,7 +2137,8 @@
        switch (EditBinding(ch)) {
        case LYE_TAB:
            ch = '\t';
-           /* fall through */
+           /* This used to fall through to the next case before
+            tab completion was introduced */
            res = LYFindInCloset(MyEdit.buffer);
            if (res != 0) {
                LYEdit1(&MyEdit, '\0', LYE_ERASE, FALSE);
@@ -2120,6 +2183,14 @@
             *  Used only in form_getstr() for invoking
             *  the LYK_F_LINK_NUM prompt when in form
             *  text fields. - FM
+            */
+           break;
+       case LYE_FORM_PASS:
+           /*
+            *  Used in form_getstr() to end line editing and
+            *  pass on the input char/lynxkeycode.  Here it
+            *  is just ignored. - kw
--- lynx2-8-2.old/src/LYStrings.h       Mon Feb  8 09:32:58 1999
+++ lynx2-8-2/src/LYStrings.h   Sun Feb 14 12:42:27 1999
@@ -97,8 +97,18 @@
 #define SELECT_KEY     267     /* 0x10B */
 #define INSERT_KEY     268     /* 0x10C */
 #define REMOVE_KEY     269     /* 0x10D */
-#define MOUSE_KEY      270     /* 0x10E */
-#define DO_NOTHING     271     /* 0x10F */
+#define DO_NOTHING     270     /* 0x10E */
+#define BACKTAB_KEY    271     /* 0x10F */
+#define MOUSE_KEY      0x11d   /* 0x11D */
+/*  *** NOTE: *** 
+    If you add definitions for new lynxkeycodes to the above list that
+    need to be mapped to LYK_* lynxactioncodes -
+    - AT LEAST the tables keymap[] and key_override[] in LYKeymap.c
+      have to be changed/reviewed, AS WELL AS the lineedit binding 
+      tables in LYEditmap.c !
+    - KEYMAP_SIZE, defined in LYKeymap.h, may need to be changed !
 #  define FOR_PANEL    0
 #  define FOR_CHOICE   1
@@ -136,11 +146,15 @@
 #define LYE_NOP 0                /* Do Nothing            */
 #define LYE_CHAR  (LYE_NOP   +1)  /* Insert printable char */
-#define LYE_ENTER (LYE_CHAR  +1)  /* Input complete, return char */
+#define LYE_ENTER (LYE_CHAR  +1)  /* Input complete, return char/lynxkeycode */
 #define LYE_TAB   (LYE_ENTER +1)  /* Input complete, return TAB  */
 #define LYE_ABORT (LYE_TAB   +1)  /* Input cancelled       */
-#define LYE_DELN  (LYE_ABORT +1)  /* Delete next/curr char */
+#define LYE_FORM_PASS (LYE_ABORT +1)  /* In form fields: input complete,
+                                        return char / lynxkeycode;
+                                        Elsewhere: Do Nothing */
+#define LYE_DELN  (LYE_FORM_PASS +1)  /* Delete next/curr char */
 #define LYE_DELC  (LYE_DELN)      /* Obsolete (DELC case was equiv to DELN) */
 #define LYE_DELP  (LYE_DELN  +1)  /* Delete prev      char */
 #define LYE_DELNW (LYE_DELP  +1)  /* Delete next word      */
--- lynx2-8-2.old/src/LYUtils.c Mon Feb  8 09:32:58 1999
+++ lynx2-8-2/src/LYUtils.c     Sun Feb 14 12:44:31 1999
@@ -2188,8 +2188,35 @@
     else if (display_partial && (NumOfLines_partial > 2))
     /* OK, we got several lines from new document and want to scroll... */
+       int res;
        switch (keymap[c+1])
+       case LYK_FASTBACKW_LINK :
+           if (Newline_partial <= (display_lines)+1) {
+               Newline_partial -= display_lines ;
+           } else if ((res =
+                       HTGetLinkOrFieldStart(-1,
+                                             &Newline_partial, NULL,
+                                             -1, TRUE)) == LINK_LINE_FOUND) {
+               Newline_partial++;
+           } else if (res == LINK_DO_ARROWUP) {
+               Newline_partial -= display_lines ;
+           }
+           break;
+       case LYK_FASTFORW_LINK :
+           if (HText_canScrollDown()) {
+               /* This is not an exact science... - kw */
+               if ((res =
+                    HTGetLinkOrFieldStart(HText_LinksInLines(HTMainText,
+                                                             Newline_partial,
+                                                             display_lines)
+                                          - 1,
+                                          &Newline_partial, NULL,
+                                          +1, TRUE)) == LINK_LINE_FOUND) {
+                   Newline_partial++;
+               }
+           }
+           break;
        case LYK_PREV_PAGE :
            if (Newline_partial > 1)
                Newline_partial -= display_lines ;
@@ -4725,7 +4752,11 @@
     char *cp = NULL;
     if (homedir == NULL) {
-       if ((cp = getenv("HOME")) == NULL || *cp == '\0') {
+       if ((cp = getenv("HOME")) == NULL || *cp == '\0'
+#ifdef UNIX
+           || *cp != '/'
+#endif /* UNIX */
+           ) {
 #if defined (DOSPATH) || defined (__EMX__) /* BAD!     WSB */
            if ((cp = getenv("TEMP")) == NULL || *cp == '\0') {
                if ((cp = getenv("TMP")) == NULL || *cp == '\0') {
@@ -4764,6 +4795,10 @@
                StrAllocCopy(HomeDir, "/tmp");
+#ifdef UNIX
+           if (cp && *cp)
+               HTAlwaysAlert(NULL, gettext("Ignoring invalid HOME"));
 #endif /* VMS */
 #endif /* DOSPATH */
        } else {
--- lynx2-8-2.old/lynx.cfg      Mon Feb  8 04:32:58 1999
+++ lynx2-8-2/lynx.cfg  Sun Feb 14 14:47:01 1999
@@ -1126,6 +1126,11 @@
 # but may conflict with very strong security or permissions restrictions:
 #DOWNLOADER:Use Zmodem to download to the local terminal:set %s 
%s;td=/tmp/Lsz$$;mkdir $td;ln -s $1 $td/"$2";sz $td/"$2";rm -r $td:TRUE
+# Note for OS/390: The following is strongly recommended  /* S/390 -- gil -- 
1464 */
+# to undo ASCII->EBCDIC conversion.
+#DOWNLOADER:Save OS/390 binary file: iconv -f IBM-1047 -t ISO8859-1 %s 
 # Unix ONLY:
 # Uploader definitions (implemented only with Unix DIRED_SUPPORT;
@@ -1513,7 +1518,7 @@
 # A representative list of functions mapped to their default keys is
 # provided below.  All of the mappings are commented out by default
-# since they just map to the default mappings, except for TOGGLE_HELP
+# since they just repeat the default mappings, except for TOGGLE_HELP
 # (see below).  See LYKeymap.c for the complete key mapping.  Use the
 # 'K'eymap command when running Lynx for a list of the _current_ keymappings.
@@ -1524,7 +1529,7 @@
 # when you are changing any KEYMAP below).
-# Special keys map to:
+# Keystrokes for special keys are represented by the following codes:
 #         Up Arrow: 0x100
 #       Down Arrow: 0x101
 #      Right Arrow: 0x102
@@ -1538,14 +1543,15 @@
 # vt100     Do Key: 0x109
 # vt100   Find Key: 0x10A
 # vt100 Select Key: 0x10B
-# vt100 Insert Key: 0x10C
-# vt100 Remove Key: 0x10D
-#  (0x00) NULL KEY: 0x10E (DO_NOTHING)
+#       Insert Key: 0x10C
+# Remove (Del) Key: 0x10D
+#      ignored key  0x10E (reserved for internal use, DO_NOTHING)
+# Back (Shift) Tab: 0x10F
+#    reserved code  0x11D (reserved for internal use with -use_mouse)
+#    reserved code  0x290 (reserved for internal use with -use_mouse)
-# Note for OS/390: The following is strongly recommended  /* S/390 -- gil -- 
1464 */
-# to undo ASCII->EBCDIC conversion.
-# DOWNLOADER:Save OS/390 binary file: iconv -f IBM-1047 -t ISO8859-1 %s 
+# Other codes not listed above may be available for additional keys,
+# depending on operating system and libraries used to compile Lynx.
 #KEYMAP:0x2F:SOURCE    # Toggle source viewing mode (show HTML source)
 #KEYMAP:^R:RELOAD      # Reload the current document and redisplay
@@ -1566,15 +1572,15 @@
 #KEYMAP:^E:END         # Go to bottom of current document
 #KEYMAP:0x107:END      # Keypad End - Go to bottom of current document
 #KEYMAP:0x10B:END      # Function key Select - Go to bottom of current document
-#KEYMAP:0x100:PREV_LINK        # Move to the previous link
-#KEYMAP:0x101:NEXT_LINK        # Move to the next link
+#KEYMAP:0x100:PREV_LINK        # Move to the previous link or page
+#KEYMAP:0x101:NEXT_LINK        # Move to the next link or page
+#KEYMAP:0x10F:FASTBACKW_LINK   # Move always to previous link or text area
+#KEYMAP:^I:FASTFORW_LINK       # Move always to next link or text area
 #KEYMAP:<:UP_LINK       # Move to the link above
 #KEYMAP:>:DOWN_LINK    # Move to the link below
-#KEYMAP:0x00:RIGHT_LINK        # Move to the link to the right
-#KEYMAP:0x00:LEFT_LINK # Move to the link to the left
-#KEYMAP:0x7F:HISTORY   # Display stack of currently-suspended documents
-#KEYMAP:0x08:HISTORY   # Display stack of currently-suspended documents
-#KEYMAP:0x103:PREV_DOC # Return to the previous document
+#KEYMAP:0x7F:HISTORY   # Show the history list
+#KEYMAP:0x08:HISTORY    # Show the history list
+#KEYMAP:0x103:PREV_DOC # Return to the previous document in history stack
 #KEYMAP:0x102:ACTIVATE # Select the current link
 #KEYMAP:0x109:ACTIVATE # Function key Do - Select the current link
 #KEYMAP:g:GOTO         # Goto a random URL
@@ -1605,12 +1611,22 @@
 #KEYMAP:k:KEYMAP       # Display the current key map
 #KEYMAP:l:LIST         # List the references (links) in the current document
 #KEYMAP:#:TOOLBAR      # Go to the Toolbar or Banner in the current document
-#KEYMAP:^T:TRACE_TOGGLE        # Toggle tracing of browser operations
+#KEYMAP:^T:TRACE_TOGGLE        # Toggle detailed tracing for debugging
+#KEYMAP:;:TRACE_LOG    # View trace log if available for the current session
 #KEYMAP:*:IMAGE_TOGGLE # Toggle inclusion of links for all images
 #KEYMAP:[:INLINE_TOGGLE        # Toggle pseudo-ALTs for inlines with no ALT 
+#KEYMAP:]:HEAD         # Send a HEAD request for current document or link
 #*** Must be compiled with USE_EXTERNALS to enable EXTERN ***
 #KEYMAP:.:EXTERN       # Run external program with url
+#*** Escaping from text input fields with ^V is independent from this: ***
+#KEYMAP:^V:SWITCH_DTD  # Toggle between SortaSGML and TagSoup HTML parsing
 #KEYMAP:0x00:DO_NOTHING        # Does nothing (ignore this key)
+#KEYMAP:0x10E:DO_NOTHING # Does nothing (ignore this key)
+# In addition, the following functions are not mapped to any keys by default:
+#KEYMAP:???:RIGHT_LINK # Move to the link to the right
+#KEYMAP:???:LEFT_LINK  # Move to the link to the left
 # If TOGGLE_HELP is mapped, in novice mode the second help menu line
 # can be toggled among NOVICE_LINE_TWO_A, _B, and _C, as defined in
@@ -1875,7 +1891,7 @@
 # EXTERNAL:ftp:wget %s &:TRUE
-# CERN-style rules, *EXPERIMENTAL*  -  URL-specific rules
+# CERN-style rules, EXPERIMENTAL  -  URL-specific rules
 # A CERN-style rules file can be given with RULESFILE.  Use the system's
 # native format for filenames, on Unix '~' is also recognized.  If a filename
@@ -1884,11 +1900,11 @@
 # Single CERN-style rules can be specified with RULES.
 # Both options can be repeated, rules accumulate in the order
-# given, they will be applied in first-to-last order.
+# given, they will be applied in first-to-last order.  See cernrules.txt
+# in the samples subdirectory for further explanation.
 # Examples:
 #      RULESFILE:/etc/lynx/cernrules
-#      RULE:Fail       file://localhost/etc/passwd* # Don't rely on it!
 #      RULE:Fail       gopher:*                     # reject by scheme
 #      RULE:Pass       finger://address@hidden/             # allow this,
 #      RULE:Fail       finger:*                     # but not others
--- lynx2-8-2.old/samples/lynx-keymaps  Sun Sep 13 09:35:54 1998
+++ lynx2-8-2/samples/lynx-keymaps      Sun Feb 14 15:13:16 1999
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
-# This is a sample key sequence definition file.  It is used by Lynx when built
-# with ncurses or slang, to augment the definitions from your terminal's
+# This is a sample key sequence definition file.  It is used by Lynx when
+# built with ncurses or slang, to augment the definitions from your terminal's
 # termcap or terminfo description.
+# (Lynx implements this mechanism only if USE_KEYMAPS is defined during
+# compilation, which has nothing to do with the KEYMAP directives in lynx.cfg,
+# see source file LYCurses.h.)
 # Lines that start with a '#' are comment lines.  Blank lines are ignored.
 # The 'setkey' function may be used in two ways:
@@ -9,7 +13,7 @@
 #   1.  setkey ESC-SEQUENCE  KEYSYM
-# where KEYSYM is an integer.  A keysym is essentually with the lynx.rc
+# where KEYSYM is an integer.  A keysym is essentially with the lynx.cfg
 # file calls a 'keystroke', but I think that keysym is a more appropriate
 # name.  The keysym is an integer and may be expressed in various ways:
@@ -83,6 +87,15 @@
 setkey "^[<"           HOME
 setkey "^[>"           END
+# Note that it may be impossible to map several sequences to the same
+# keysym (NCURSES only?), in that case the mapping occurring last wins.
+# The following maps a sequence commonly used for Shift+Tab to the
+# corresponding code.  It should not be needed if the terminfo file
+# has the correct info for kcbt.
+setkey "^[[Z"          0x10F
 # Other special escapes:
 #      \a              bell
--- lynx2-8-2.old/docs/djgpp.key        Sat Aug 15 16:57:56 1998
+++ lynx2-8-2/docs/djgpp.key    Sun Feb 14 17:07:10 1999
@@ -70,9 +70,6 @@
 RBrace               0x07d
 Tilde                0x07e
 Control_Backspace    0x07f
-Alt_Escape           0x101
-Control_At           0x103
-Alt_Backspace        0x10e
 BackTab              0x10f
 Alt_Q                0x110
 Alt_W                0x111
@@ -111,7 +108,6 @@
 Alt_Period           0x134
 Alt_Slash            0x135
 Alt_KPStar           0x137
-F1                   0x13b
 F2                   0x13c
 F3                   0x13d
 F4                   0x13e
@@ -124,8 +120,6 @@
 Alt_KPMinus          0x14a
 Center               0x14c
 Alt_KPPlus           0x14e
-Insert               0x152
-Delete               0x153
 Shift_F1             0x154
 Shift_F2             0x155
 Shift_F3             0x156
@@ -205,8 +199,9 @@
 Alt_KPSlash          0x1a4
 Alt_Tab              0x1a5
 Alt_Enter            0x1a6
-EInsert              0x252
-EDelete              0x253
+Alt_Escape           0x1a7
+Control_At           0x1a8
+Alt_Backspace        0x1a9
 Control_ELeft        0x273
 Control_ERight       0x274
 Control_EEnd         0x275
--- lynx2-8-2.old/docs/pdcurses.key     Sat Aug 15 21:57:56 1998
+++ lynx2-8-2/docs/pdcurses.key Sun Feb 14 17:28:37 1999
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
                         PDCurses Keymaps
-KEY_F0          0x108   /* function keys. space for      */
-KEY_F(n)    (KEY_F0+(n))/* 64 keys are reserved.         */
+KEY_F2          0x213   /* F2                            */
+KEY_F3          0x214   /* F3                            */
+KEY_F4          0x215   /* F4                            */
+KEY_F5          0x216   /* F5                            */
+KEY_F6          0x217   /* F6                            */
+KEY_F7          0x218   /* F7                            */
+KEY_F(n)    (0x108+(n)) /* If n>7 (9 keys are reserved)  */
 ALT_0           0x197   /* Alt-0                         */
 ALT_1           0x198   /* Alt-1                         */
 ALT_2           0x199   /* Alt-2                         */
--- lynx2-8-2.old/docs/slang.key        Sat Aug 15 21:57:56 1998
+++ lynx2-8-2/docs/slang.key    Sun Feb 14 16:00:34 1999
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
                    S-Lang Keymaps for DOS
 F0             0x200
-F(X)           (SL_KEY_F0 + X)
+F(X)           (SL_KEY_F0 + X) /* If X>1 */

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