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Re: [Lynx-dev] text browsing

From: Thorsten Glaser
Subject: Re: [Lynx-dev] text browsing
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 16:44:47 +0000 (UTC)

address@hidden dixit:

>  - change the compiler from Borland's bcc32 to MingW's gcc


>  - change the SSL library from OpenSSL to GnuTls

NO! That'd be BAD!

>  - write the English project page

You could at least add an "(international)" behind the link on the page.

I believe no one can invent an algorithm. One just happens to hit upon it
when God enlightens him. Or only God invents algorithms, we merely copy them.
If you don't believe in God, just consider God as Nature if you won't deny
existence.              -- Coywolf Qi Hunt

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