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Re: [Monotone-devel] performance issues for pull/sync/...

From: Marcel van der Boom
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] performance issues for pull/sync/...
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2005 09:29:45 +0200

On 9 jul 2005, at 19:29, Mike wrote:

Cute - so it doesn't support multi-user access either ? Oh, fun :-)
Well, it sort of does, because both connections finish properly and I was already connected when you came in. In the processing of a connection however there is a path which apparently needs to run on its own, putting other processing on hold.

BTW, adding an index on the 'name' column of revision_certs and on
the 'child' column of revision_ancestry seems to speed up the sync
process on my side, at least before it starts waiting (and waiting)
for the server to reply. Not sure what the impact of that would be
on the server side...
Yes, I found adding revision_ancestry(child) most effective, followed by revision_certs(hash). I've added both to our server. Those two brought the pull time for the articles branch with no changes down from 1m32 to 1m5. I have no data yet on what these extra indexes do when you pull a branch with lots of changes, I suspect that will go up a bit as the indexes need to be maintained now.


Marcel van der Boom
HS-Development BV               --
So! webapplicatie framework  --

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