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Re: [Monotone-devel] Committing with the wrong key

From: Nathaniel Smith
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Committing with the wrong key
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2006 18:41:00 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.13 (2006-08-11)

On Sat, Sep 23, 2006 at 07:37:20PM -0300, Juan Jose Comellas wrote:
> mtn: warning: ignoring bad signature by 'address@hidden' 
> I have made a commit to a branch with a key that was not allowed to do so. I 
> have added to key in my monotonerc file but I'm still getting the following 
> error:

> on 'address@hidden:amNvbWVsbGFzQG5vdmFtZW5zLmNvbQ==]'
> mtn: warning: ignoring bad signature by 'address@hidden' 
> on 'address@hidden:MjAwNi0wOS0yMlQyMjo0OTo1Ng==]'
> mtn: warning: ignoring bad signature by 'address@hidden' 
> on 'address@hidden:YXBwX2FwdGVsYV9tYWluX2JyYW5jaA==]'
> mtn: warning: ignoring bad signature by 'address@hidden' 
> on 
> 'address@hidden:TW9kaWZpZWQgdGhlIGluYWN0aXZpdHkgdGltZW91dCB0byAxMCBzZWNvbmRzLgo=]'
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Revision: 77e0f322c753dabe84c62c8b89ae4449cc443672
> Ancestor: af5a076b9e2d9d8b9e086a259c9a5871c07be21d
> Modified files:
>         src/defs.h
> How can I recover this commit? I guess I would have to redo the certs, but I 
> have failed to do so. How can I do this? If a key is not allowed to write to 
> a repository, why was I able to commit with it?

That error message is complaining that, literally, the signature is
bad.  (You would get a different message if the signature was good,
but you had written a get_revision_cert_trust hook that disliked it.)

The most likely cause is that you generated two different keys with
the same name, used one to create those certs, and then loaded the
other into your database?  Even that is a bit tricky, since keys are
supposed to be loaded into the database and transferred whenever certs
are, so I'm not sure how you'd manage that...

In any case, to recover you want to clear out those certs, which
requires "db execute".  The easiest way to do this is simply
  $ mtn db execute "delete from revision_certs where id = 
which deletes all certs on revision

Then, you'd want to re-issue them, with something like
  $ REV=77e0f322c753dabe84c62c8b89ae4449cc443672
  $ mtn cert $REV author "address@hidden"
  $ mtn cert $REV date "2006-09-22T22:49:56"
  $ mtn cert $REV branch "app_aptela_main_branch"
  $ mtn cert $REV changelog "Modified the inactivity timeout to 10 seconds
(yes, that's a literal newline in the final command, you may want to
check that one with your shell before trying it for real...)

But you should figure out what exactly you did, as well; if you have
two different keys with the same name in two different databases, then
you need to clean that up first.

-- Nathaniel

When the flush of a new-born sun fell first on Eden's green and gold,
Our father Adam sat under the Tree and scratched with a stick in the mould;
And the first rude sketch that the world had seen was joy to his mighty heart,
Till the Devil whispered behind the leaves, "It's pretty, but is it Art?"
  -- The Conundrum of the Workshops, Rudyard Kipling

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