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[rdiff-backup-users] Experience with rdiff-backup under cygwin

From: Seth Warn
Subject: [rdiff-backup-users] Experience with rdiff-backup under cygwin
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 16:04:34 -0500


I've set up rdiff-backup (v. 13.4) on my (local) Win2k machine and a
(remote) Fedora Core 1 machine.  Much thanks to David Kempe for his
rdiff-backup/cygwin bundle and Dean Gaudet for his unattended backup

The backup is now *almost* working.  Rdiff-backup doesn't like Win2000
dfs root directories, I think.  The root directory contains "folders"
for each dfs link that redirect you to the network share associated with
that link.  When rdiff-backup does the initial mirror, it works just
fine, but creates these dfs link "folders" on the remote linux system
with no permissions (ie, 000).  When you run the backup again, it will
run for a while and then fail:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\rdiff-backup\rdiff-backup", line 24, in ?
  File "/rdiff_backup/Main.py", line 259, in Main
  File "/rdiff_backup/Main.py", line 229, in take_action
    elif action == "backup": Backup(rps[0], rps[1])
  File "/rdiff_backup/Main.py", line 278, in Backup
    backup.Mirror_and_increment(rpin, rpout, incdir)
  File "/rdiff_backup/backup.py", line 51, in Mirror_and_increment
    DestS.patch_and_increment(dest_rpath, source_diffiter, inc_rpath)
  File "/rdiff_backup/connection.py", line 445, in __call__
    return apply(self.connection.reval, (self.name,) + args)
  File "/rdiff_backup/connection.py", line 367, in reval
    if isinstance(result, Exception): raise result
OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/seth/ACG/Root/Word'

C:\rdiff-backup>umount -A
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/rdiff-backup", line 24, in ?
  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py", line
259, in Mai
  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py", line
227, in tak
    connection.PipeConnection(sys.stdin, sys.stdout).Server()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/rdiff_backup/connection.py",
line 352,
in Server
  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/rdiff_backup/connection.py",
line 314,
in get_response
    try: req_num, object = self._get()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/rdiff_backup/connection.py",
line 230,
in _get
    raise ConnectionReadError("Truncated header string (problem "
rdiff_backup.connection.ConnectionReadError: Truncated header string
(problem pr
obably originated remotely)
Exception exceptions.TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in
<bound me
thod GzipFile.__del__ of <gzip open file
statistics.2004-04-18T14:49:35-05:00.data.gz', mode 'wb' at 0x8532ba0
> ignored
Exception exceptions.TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in
<bound me
thod GzipFile.__del__ of <gzip open file
r_metadata.2004-04-18T14:49:35-05:00.snapshot.gz', mode 'wb' at
0x8390ca8 0x83bb
2ac>> ignored
Exception exceptions.TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in
<bound me
thod GzipFile.__del__ of <gzip open file
_log.2004-04-18T14:49:35-06:00.data.gz', mode 'wb' at 0x84e6ec0
0x84e88dc>> igno

Now, I'm thinking the easy solution is just to not back up the root
directory, since it doesn't contain any data, anyway.  So after deleting
the rdiff-backup-data directory and the remote mirror of the root
directory (/home/seth/ACG/root):

C:\rdiff-backup>rdiff-backup.bat --force --exclude c:\dfs\root c:\dfs

Which puts this on the command line:

C:\rdiff-backup>python2.3.exe -S c:\rdiff-backup\rdiff-backup
--remote-schema 'plink -C -i backupkey.PPK %s rdiff-backup --server'
--force --exclude c:\dfs\root c:\dfs address@hidden::/home/seth/ACG

Which works just great, except it *doesn't* exclude the c:\dfs\root
directory, so any further use of rdiff-backup:

C:\rdiff-backup>rdiff-backup.bat --exclude c:\dfs\root c:\dfs

Results in the traceback above.  So, I think I'm using the --exlude
correctly; I want everything in c:\dfs except for c:\dfs\root.  Am I
screwing that up?  Does Cygwin introduce some complication?

Seth Warn

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