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[RULE] Office on fluxbox

From: Ingo Lantschner
Subject: [RULE] Office on fluxbox
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 21:21:12 +0200

again me, but with an other topic :-)

As alread described we could install TinyX and fluxbox on top of RedHat9
installed with Slinky. Its a great and fast config and the next step is
to look for applications for writing and spreadheets. We found Ted, a
small but not so stable Wordprocessor. Due to its instability and the
lack of support for reading "Word for Windows-Files" (which is crucial
for real-world usage) we ended in a somehow strange configuration: A
very small operatingsystem and GUI and than OpenOffice 1.0.3 on top of
it.  Its not fast anymore but still in an acceptable speed. Without the
help of Slinkky and using KDE or Gnome, we could not have done it, due
to both the limited HD-space (1,6 GB) and also the limited RAM (64 MB).
In short: OpenOffcie on top of "Rule"-RH is a solution but propably not
the best.

So my question: 

Does someone know a WYSIWYG Editor, small, simple *stable* which can at
least read and write RTF/TXT and hopfully read doc?

Does someone know a spreadsheet-app. - small and simple, which can
read/write CSV/TSV or even XLS?

Thanks for any help, Ingo.
Ingo Lantschner

        Verein zur Unterstuetzung von Menschen
        Marchettigasse 5/11, A-1060 Wien
        Tel (+43-1) 595 5766
        Fax (+43-1) 532 4041

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