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Re: [Sks-devel] Re: problems with SKS 1.0.10 when searching by key ID fr

From: Phil Pennock
Subject: Re: [Sks-devel] Re: problems with SKS 1.0.10 when searching by key ID from GnuPG
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 14:55:17 -0700

On 2009-03-24 at 11:57 -0400, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> Are these scripts published? (this is out of curiosity more than
> anything else)

Well, since it's just curiosity, I'll pipe in with something roughly
equivalent to the IP generation side:

No DNS integration, but it provides the data in a format which should be
easy to script into DNS zonefiles.  The "no more than 500 behind" value
is chosen to match that of, but the reference value
is derived with some fast and loose stats, instead of being the local
value.  Search for "def handle_ip_valid" in the script.

This is generated by the attached Python 2.6 script, launched from
Apache/mod_wsgi with:
  <IfModule mod_wsgi.c>
    WSGIDaemonProcess user=sks display-name=%{GROUP}

    WSGIScriptAlias     /sks-peers 

This is a script/module rooted at 'sks-peers'; you'll want to change the
first few kCONSTANTS in the script for local values -- especially to
grant yourself, not me, privileged access to the tool (to see
internals).  /sks-peers/helpz will give you links to the various admin
URLs; they're read-only views of the data, except for rescanz.

You can invoke it without mod_wsgi, just invoke as:
  ./ standalone
and look at http://localhost:8080/ip-valid instead.

I think the Python 2.6-isms are fairly few, but they're there
(numbers.Integral, etc).  You need some non-standard Python modules, all
in easy reach with easy_install; they're the secnd batch of imports and
the only one whose name isn't just the import's top-level module name
has a comment indicating the name.

The script will then on first retrieval go gather data and report back
"no data yet"; it's persistent past the first retrieval, setting up a
data gathering thread to periodically re-poll, and reloading when
the 'membership' file changes.

After about 30 seconds (when the bad server URL retrievals time out)
you'll have data.  /sks-peers is a table view in HTML with links, etc.
It's ugly as I'm not a UI designer.  /sks-peers/ip-valid reports data in
a format that should be fairly comprehensible:
  status line, including a count
  one IP address per line; number of lines given by count in first line
  a line containing just "."

Working output starts:
  IP-Gen/1: status=COMPLETE count=29 tags=skip_1010
and non-working might be:
  IP-Gen/1: status=INVALID count=0 reason=first_scan

Feel free to adapt for your own use (but credit nice); no warranties,
etc etc.  At your own risk.


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