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Re: Network Tests don't fire with Milter

From: Don Armstrong
Subject: Re: Network Tests don't fire with Milter
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2009 17:18:52 -0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

On Sun, 22 Nov 2009, Steve wrote:
> Guilty as charged, I stole your init script.

No worries; just looked oddly familiar.

> Initially I could not get the milter to work at all and someone
> advised me to make some changes - that's how I've ended up with the
> script as it is:

Ok; I'm not quite sure why you're not just using the Debian packages
if you're using start-stop-daemon, but that's your call.
> I guess I have two issues unique to the milter (but are not a
> problem if I implements Spamassassin without the milter):
> 1. The network tests don't fire (only with the milter)

This is an SA specific configuration, and doesn't really have anything
to do with the milter. I'm just guessing, but you've probably got
different configurations for whatever user spamc is running as (or
spamass-milter is running as) and the user that you're checking things
with otherwise.

> 2. It does not rewrite the header with a spam report (again only with
> the milter)

The -M option would have to be passed, which isn't the default (and
isn't the case according to what you're showing.) [Of course, it's
completely possible to patch spamass-milter to change the default.]

> I still think it's start options, but I'm missing *why* :-?

It's not the start options, assuming what you had below is correct.

> #!/bin/sh


Don Armstrong

Information wants to be free to kill again.
 -- Red Robot    

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