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[AUCTeX-devel] Default settings

From: Florêncio Neves
Subject: [AUCTeX-devel] Default settings
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 13:06:33 -0400

There are quite a few settings in AUCTeX that one needs to discover
and customize before getting a reasonable environment.  I think the
following settings should become the default:

  (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex)
  (setq reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX t)
  (setq-default TeX-PDF-mode t)
  (setq TeX-parse-self t)
  (setq TeX-source-correlate-mode t)
  (add-hook 'TeX-mode-hook '(lambda () (LaTeX-math-mode t))

Also, dollar signs should automatically become electric if
`electric-pair-mode' is active (I think currently one has set
TeX-electric-math manually).

I was also going to add (setq TeX-master 'dwim) to the above list, but
it didn't do what I meant (I am using ELPA's version, 11.87.3).  Was
this setting supposed to discover if the current file requires a
master, and try to find it?

Finally. instead of enabling LaTeX-math-mode by default, it might be
even better to always show the "Math" menu, so that LaTeX-math-mode's
only function is to turn on and off the backtick shourtcuts.

What do you think?

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