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Re: [auto merged failed]

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: Re: [auto merged failed]
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2021 16:52:33 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.5.10; emacs 28.0.50

Hi Uwe,

>> Yeah, as said, because this branch is force-pushed (or actually deleted
>> and then created anew), you should get your copy up-to-date using
>>   git fetch && git reset --hard origin/tex-build-only
> Ok I try to keep this in mind (I taught myself fetch is bad pull is
> good).

No, fetch is not bad at all.  It's just "load all changes from the
remote without applying them on my local branches".  And pull is
basically fetch + merge.

> Wouldn't it be easier to grant Al write access at some point?

When he is the one nuking and re-creating that branch instead of me, it
wouldn't make any difference for you.  Only if we'd say that Al should
start a merging rather than rebasing workflow, it would make it easier
(in the sense of "more common") for you.

> BTW when I pull with mercurial via the hg-git extension I don't face
> this problem! Curious

Interesting.  I don't know how that can work.  I can only think that
either it doesn't actually update anything (because the remote branch
changed in inexpected ways) or it silently throws away parts of your
local history.  Both wouldn't be good.

In the hg checkout, does "hg log tex-build-only" show the very same
history as

i.e., no more or less or other commits on top of the commit marked with


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