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Re: [avrdude-dev] ATtiny2313 and pony-stk200 problems?

From: Bob Paddock
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] ATtiny2313 and pony-stk200 problems?
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 10:46:15 -0400
User-agent: Opera M2/7.51 (Win32, build 3798)

1) The 1MHz mentioned above is the oscillator frequency of the chip
*not* the SPI clock.

The Tiny2313 from the factory is running at 500 kHz (4 MHz/8).
The Serial Programming Characteristics says that a minimum of two clock cycles
are required which would give a max SPI clock of 250 kHz max.

There is also this comment in the USI section, but there is no indication that
the fCK/4 limit of 125 kHz applies to the SPI programming mode?

"Three-wire Synchronous Data Transfer (Master, fSCKmax = fCK/2, Slave fSCKmax = fCK/4)"

2) The above comment is from the current CVS. Bob is apparently using

I built the CVS code a few minutes ago. I can now read the signature every time, but I still can not verify the flash. The error is always 0xbe != 0x00 at address 0x0000.

Placing the chip back in the STK500 to read it produces this:


1) Timing is a bit different with Linux (or BSD) and Windows.

I am using Cygwin/Windows on a 2.4 GHz P4, if the speed of
the machine has any baring on the timing, I assume it does not.

So the timing constraints for the SPI interface can be violated even
if the clock is slow enough.

I have Scope/Logic Analyser setting right here if you have some specific
tests you want me to try.

The current CVS should work for chips down to 500kHz clock frequency.
Nevertheless, the margin is not too big.

Using usleep() is not an option here, because the granularity of a
sleep is greater than 1ms. Hence, programming will get *very* slow.

To me speed is not that much of an issue with small memory parts like the T2313.

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