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bug#67661: 30.0.50; *Completions* has started popping up for icomplete-i

From: Sean Whitton
Subject: bug#67661: 30.0.50; *Completions* has started popping up for icomplete-in-buffer
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2023 10:41:32 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)


On Sat 30 Dec 2023 at 08:30am +02, Eli Zaretskii wrote:

> AFAIU, this should also mention changes in Emacs 29 wrt previous
> versions.
> Also, the entry should in terms of user-facing behavior, not in terms
> of how code works.  It should also be more concrete; phrases like "you
> may wish to review existing customizations" are too vague to be
> useful.

Thank you for the feedback.  I've committed some documentation updates,
and would welcome any further revision.

> The last paragraph seems to indicate we lack some user option or a
> variable to get back the old behavior, since using advice-add is less
> friendly than flipping a variable.
> (IMO, we are making too many backward-incompatible changes in this
> area lately.  But that's me.)

I decided to go ahead and commit the documentation updates so that the
current state of play is written down.  Perhaps after further discussion
we'll want to make other changes.

Sean Whitton

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