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Re: Issue 1635 in lilypond: clean up misleading warnings in website buil

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1635 in lilypond: clean up misleading warnings in website build
Date: Mon, 09 May 2011 22:25:25 +0000

Comment #35 on issue 1635 by address@hidden: clean up misleading warnings in website build

The problem I have with this approach is that it can be illuminating to see the bibtex output and the extract*.py output, and it seems to me it would be helpful to be able to switch this on and off - for example, if you switch it on, you can confirm which .bib files are actually being processed. Hence my suggestion of 2 options - one of which is, effectively totally silent except for warnings and the odd progress info, and the other which gives all progress info. But it's your call - you do the most builds - give me the last push, and I'll get rid of the bibtex progress messages and the output*.py ones, never to be seen again, and I'll leave the make output.

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