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Re: Issue 1635 in lilypond: clean up misleading warnings in website buil

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1635 in lilypond: clean up misleading warnings in website build
Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 15:34:51 +0000

Comment #41 on issue 1635 by percival.music.ca: clean up misleading warnings in website build

Let's just remove (or comment out) the error. Or, just to be totally ultra-safe, dump a hard-coded list of files without directories:
- changes.tely
- music-glossary.tely

I guess check if the final part of the path matches "changes" or "music-glossary", to take care of any translations?

The extensions are significant, but not immediately relevant to this particular issue. Anything ending in ly contains @lilypond blocks, and anything beginning with .i is included in a different file.

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