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Re: Issue 1635 in lilypond: clean up misleading warnings in website buil

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1635 in lilypond: clean up misleading warnings in website build
Date: Wed, 11 May 2011 22:05:27 +0000

Comment #38 on issue 1635 by percival.music.ca: clean up misleading warnings in website build

... did I mention that my traveling companion, in addition to being old enough to be my mother, actually works with my mother organizing a music camp for 200 people? And that she's good friends with my father and brother as well?

I didn't buy anything, nor did we stop for any of the shows. :) in fact, we pretty much just walked straight through it at a brisk pace -- we certainly spent less time than the tour group of seniors who were "looking at the church". (quotation marks because there's *no* reason to see the church at night instead of during the daylight, and there were red windows right beside the church)

as I said, it was somewhat awkward, in a humorous way. Don't get me wrong; I think it's great that it's legal, regulated, and policed. But it's not for me, in just the same way that a football match or cricket test isn't for me.

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