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Re: [Chicken-hackers] Remove old variant of find-files

From: John Cowan
Subject: Re: [Chicken-hackers] Remove old variant of find-files
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 09:47:08 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)

Christian Kellermann scripsit:

> There is one discrepancy left as we do follow symlinks by default
> and the docs say the opposite. Which way is the better behaviour?
> I will change either the default or the docs then.

I agree with other posters: the default should be not to follow symlinks,
as both GNU and BSD find do.  There are in fact three options:

-P  Never follow symlinks

-L  Always follow symlinks

-H  Follow symlinks that are passed to us, but not ones we discover

It would be sensible to support all three of these.

John Cowan                                address@hidden
I amar prestar aen, han mathon ne nen,
han mathon ne chae, a han noston ne 'wilith.  --Galadriel, LOTR:FOTR

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