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Re: [Chicken-hackers] CR #1142 and upcoming changes

From: Andy Bennett
Subject: Re: [Chicken-hackers] CR #1142 and upcoming changes
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 13:17:53 +0100
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> The Chicken wiki still has an index of Chicken 3 eggs, although I do
> think chicken-setup is no longer operational.
> Perhaps now would be a good time to clean the wiki of vestigial
> references to 2 & 3.

AIUI, this documentation is preserved for posterity and in case anyone
wants to forward port any of the remaining un-ported stuff. The code is
still in SVN so it makes sense to keep the docs as well.

The main issue is that this older stuff shows up in searches and
confuses new users. Perhaps we should do something about that and more
clearly mark the pages themselves as deprecated?



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