On Sep 20, 2004, at 8:36 PM, Brian Hurt wrote:
But to tamper with the paper votes, you have to get access to the
votes. Doing it on a wide-scale basis, wide-scale enough to seriously
affect the election, is hard work. It's hard work just to move that
amount of paper around, forget slight of hand. And you need to make
that no one else knows stage magic either. Small corruptions are
certainly possible. Large corruptions are a problem.
Really? During the last presidential election in New Mexico, the
state went to Gore by just a couple hundred votes (if I remember the
numbers correctly -- and I'm far too lazy to look them up. Trust me,
it was close.) I also believe that if Florida went to Gore, New
Mexico could have swung the election back over to Bush. It would have
been little to no problem to flip the election with minimal planning
and skill. Boxes of votes here in New Mexico are routinely misplaced.
Entire counties are well known for their "questionable" voting
practices. States like this one are perfect targets for affecting the
outcome of close elections (like the coming election is expected to
Yes, large scale corruption is hard. My point is that large scale
corruption is not necessarily necessary.
BTW: There is a lot of work out there done on secure electronic
voting in the crypto literature covering secure shuffling, "receipt
free" balloting, secure vote counting, etc. A couple of web searches
should turn up hours of interesting reading. David Chaum presented a
fairly interesting system in one of this year's IEEE Security and
Privacy publications (the January/February issue -- the article is
available online, I forget where, but google always knows) that uses
visual cryptography for securing the receipts. He had to update the
system due to issues with printing systems, and presented the changes
at the rump session of this year's Crypto conference. You can more or
less see the talk via wmv from the IACR website
<http://www.iacr.org/conferences/crypto2004/rump.html>, he's about
2/3's of the way through, you can look at the program available at
that page to help you search for his segment.