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Re: [Demexp-dev] Web Client Interface [status]

From: David MENTRE
Subject: Re: [Demexp-dev] Web Client Interface [status]
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 09:01:45 +0200

Hello Lyu,

2007/10/19, Lyu Abe <address@hidden>:
> Unfortunately, I'm not fully aware on how text browser work and handle
> web pages.

If you have access to a linux/unix system, you can try links or lynx.

> Is it possible to recognize which web browser is used, and
> then switch to the most convenient page to display?

No, you should not do that. Because this approach is aimed to failure:
you can't know all the variations of web browsers and how they'll
handle your page.

You should stick to standard HTML and CSS and then use the known
tricks to make it work in IE6.

> (for example for blind people, I guess the tables I am using are
> irrelevant, so that another text page layout would be needed)

You'd better use CSS element positioning instead of table.

Generally speaking, we would prefer that the demexp web server stick
to web standards and recommended good practices.

Of course, *you* are coding so you have the last word. ;-)


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