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Re: Kickstarter was not successful... but it did help things...

From: Germán Arias
Subject: Re: Kickstarter was not successful... but it did help things...
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2013 19:17:40 -0600
User-agent: GNUMail (Version 1.2.0)

On 2013-12-20 17:09:43 -0600 Doc O'Leary <droleary@7usenet2013.subsume.com> 
>> Gregory can put on his GNUstep Maintainer hat and say 'we should implement 
>> UIKit', but it has no effect unless someone actually does the work. 
>> Implementing UIKit is more work than one person can do by themselves.
> Again with the stupid rush to implement things . . .

Remember that, in general, write free software is a hobby. Just to see
what happens.

> Here's a radical idea: why not actually evaluate the goal first?  Before 
> throwing people at the problem, figure out what good reason there was (if 
> any) for Apple to go UIKit for mobile development instead of just expanding 
> the AppKit API.  Perhaps the right thing to do for GNUstep doesn't involve 
> *any* coders.
>> Talk on a mailing list is cheap.
> And yet so much more valuable than aimless code.

"More valuable" is subjective.

>> If you're complaining that no one else is, then you're not contributing 
>> anything useful.
> Nonsense.  Only a fool thinks that more monkeys sitting at typewriters is the 
> way to get better books.  If you sincerely don't see the point of debating 
> the correctness of an approach, my opinion of FreeBSD is greatly reduced.
>> Open source projects are not created for users, they're created for 
>> contributors.
> More rubbish.  Or, rather, incredibly sad if true.  I mean, who exactly are 
> you being "open" to if you're all being that selfishly insular?  Is this 
> seriously the thinking behind FreeBSD?

Contribute to a free software project isn't a job is, in general, for fun.

>> Contributors may be ones who donate code, artwork, documentation, or money.
> If that's the direction GNUstep chooses to go, that is not a cult I want to 
> be part of *ever*.  I take too much joy in seeing regular people benefit from 
> my work.
>> If you want to set an agenda for ANY open source project, you need to 
>> contribu
> Whereas I would start with having, you know, a smart agenda in the first 
> place.  I continue to be amazed by the lack of scientific thinking being 
> expressed by people I would assume are trained computer scientists.

No all people here are scientists. That isn't a requisite to write free
software. People have a lot of different reasons to write software.
And even being scientists, that doesn't means all will be agree with
same ideas.


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