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Re: [DotGNU]RE: Java issues.

From: Dan Kuykendall (Seek3r)
Subject: Re: [DotGNU]RE: Java issues.
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 00:50:38 -0700

"Aisha Fenton (DSL AK)" wrote:
> I am looking forward to the Mono C#/CLI tools and learning C#. But I also
> want to continue to use Java, and even better I'd like to use Java with
> DotGNU.

I do think that java support will be good. As Mono is something of a
seperate project, I think that the java support should be as well.

> >As I have mentioned, I dont think that its wise for us to not use a
> >technology because it came from Microsoft. I think Samba would have
> >never been done if they would have followed your advice, and I think
> >Samba has been great for the free software world, and yet it has
> >potentially giving some credibility to the weak SMB protocol.
> I think that this is a slightly different situation though. The scope is
> different between the two. Samba is only meant to support SMB and in no-way
> be a competitor to the native file-systems.

Point taken... but samba has started performing better than Windows
support, and it offers a host of additional config options.

> DotGNU, on the other hand (I hope) will have a major impact on what *nix is
> and how we develope for *nix. Which is great! What is decided here will have
> a greater impact than just allowing compatiablity.

I agree... but compatibility is critical for initial adoption

> Sorry I didn't mean to say that CLI/C# shouldn't be used, just that
> Java development is a healthy part of the Open source community and it would
> be nice if that were reflected in DotGNU.


> Is supporting both out of the question?

No way! I think its important to support both. I was reacting mostly to
those saying that CLI/C# should be ignored and all the focus should be
with java. Which even with java, Sun controls the java standard... we do
have tools that are currently giving us a free java environement... but
what happens when Sun decides it will change the standard?
We have the same problem as with Microsoft.
Both solutions are essentially controlled by powerful and greedy
commercial companies which dislike competition.


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