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Re: [DotGNU]List of SWF controls - volunteers wanted

From: Ian Fung
Subject: Re: [DotGNU]List of SWF controls - volunteers wanted
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 15:52:07 -0400


you'd have to set yourself up with the latest pnet and pnetlib from CVS. doing this in cygwin is fine (i believe), but just make sure you have the X11 server running on cygwin. if you have a linux box around, you may just want to set that up and use that, i dunno what your setup currently is. but once you get the samples running in pnetlib/samples, you can just start hacking away on those classes. you might want to talk to people such as rhysw, gopal, and simon (sorry if i left anyone out) before you start just to make sure there's no overlap. thanks for volunteering to help, x11-winforms is at a really exciting stage right now and we want to get a full implementation asap.


On Monday, June 16, 2003, at 03:02 PM, address@hidden wrote:


I'd be interested on helping out with TreeView, DataGrid, Toolbar and Tab Control. Also, DateTimePicker, MonthControl and Splitter also look like fun.

What do I need to do to set myself up for working on these components in their current state? I have Cygwin on Win32, but I can set up a Linux box
with whatever versions of whatever libraries are needed, with some
assistance from folks who are "in the know", if I need to.

- Bob Calco

| -----Original Message-----
| From: Rhys Weatherley [mailto:address@hidden
| Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 7:10 AM
| To: address@hidden
| Subject: [DotGNU]List of SWF controls - volunteers wanted
| Hi all,
| Attached is a rough list of the controls in
| System.Windows.Forms that we will
| need to implement in the coming weeks.  "+" marks basic
| infrastructure
| widgets that I should have working in a more or less useful
| fashion in a few
| days.
| Once the basics are there, I'm going to throw myself into TextBox and
| RichTextBox, which are going to be the hard ones (I'm a
| sucker for punishment
| :-) ).  But pretty much everything else is up for grabs.
| Even if you aren't 100% sure, still give it a go.  A stub is
| worth its weight
| in gold.  i.e. implement the API on a class, but leave the
| contents marked as
| [TODO] for someone else to fill in the logic.  Find yourself
| a DotGNU buddy -
| stub for your buddy, or fill in your buddy's stub.
| Some controls (e.g. DataGrid and TreeView) have a bunch of
| helper classes
| which don't do any GUI work - just shift data around.  Those
| should be pretty
| easy.
| See "pnetlib/System.Windows.Forms/HACKING" for more info.
| Also, download the
| Wine code and have a look at how they handle events, drawing,
| etc, for your
| chosen control and then copy that.
| Cheers,
| Rhys.
| Control +
| ControlPaint +
| ScrollableControl +
| ContainerControl +
|   - PropertyGrid
| Form +
| Label +
|   - LinkLabel
| ButtonBase +
|   - Button +
|   - CheckBox +
|   - RadioButton +
| GroupBox +
| ListView
| ListControl
|   - ListBox
|     - CheckedListBox
| CommonDialog
|   - ColorDialog
|   - FileDialog
|     - OpenFileDialog
|   - FontDialog
|   - PageSetupDialog
|   - PrintDialog
|   - PrintPreviewDialog
|   - SaveFileDialog
| ListControl
|   - ComboBox
| Menu +
|   - MainMenu +
|   - ContextMenu +
| DataGrid
| TextBoxBase
|   - TextBox (hard)
|     - DataGridTextBox
|   - RichTextBox (very hard)
| DateTimePicker
| UpDownBase
|   - DomainUpDown
|   - NumericUpDown
| ScrollBar
|   - HScrollBar
|   - VScrollBar
| MonthCalendar
| Panel
| PictureBox
| PrintPreviewControl
| ProgressBar
| Splitter
| StatusBar
| TabControl
| TabPage
| ThreadExceptionDialog
| ToolBar
| TrackBar
| TreeView
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