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RE: [DotGNU]List of SWF controls - volunteers wanted

From: BCalco
Subject: RE: [DotGNU]List of SWF controls - volunteers wanted
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 15:02:51 -0400


I'd be interested on helping out with TreeView, DataGrid, Toolbar and Tab
Control. Also, DateTimePicker, MonthControl and Splitter also look like fun.

What do I need to do to set myself up for working on these components in
their current state? I have Cygwin on Win32, but I can set up a Linux box
with whatever versions of whatever libraries are needed, with some
assistance from folks who are "in the know", if I need to.

- Bob Calco

| -----Original Message-----
| From: Rhys Weatherley [mailto:address@hidden 
| Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 7:10 AM
| To: address@hidden
| Subject: [DotGNU]List of SWF controls - volunteers wanted
| Hi all,
| Attached is a rough list of the controls in 
| System.Windows.Forms that we will 
| need to implement in the coming weeks.  "+" marks basic 
| infrastructure 
| widgets that I should have working in a more or less useful 
| fashion in a few 
| days.
| Once the basics are there, I'm going to throw myself into TextBox and 
| RichTextBox, which are going to be the hard ones (I'm a 
| sucker for punishment 
| :-) ).  But pretty much everything else is up for grabs.
| Even if you aren't 100% sure, still give it a go.  A stub is 
| worth its weight 
| in gold.  i.e. implement the API on a class, but leave the 
| contents marked as 
| [TODO] for someone else to fill in the logic.  Find yourself 
| a DotGNU buddy - 
| stub for your buddy, or fill in your buddy's stub.
| Some controls (e.g. DataGrid and TreeView) have a bunch of 
| helper classes 
| which don't do any GUI work - just shift data around.  Those 
| should be pretty 
| easy.
| See "pnetlib/System.Windows.Forms/HACKING" for more info.  
| Also, download the 
| Wine code and have a look at how they handle events, drawing, 
| etc, for your 
| chosen control and then copy that.
| Cheers,
| Rhys.
| Control +
| ControlPaint +
| ScrollableControl +
| ContainerControl +
|   - PropertyGrid
| Form +
| Label +
|   - LinkLabel
| ButtonBase +
|   - Button +
|   - CheckBox +
|   - RadioButton +
| GroupBox +
| ListView
| ListControl
|   - ListBox
|     - CheckedListBox
| CommonDialog
|   - ColorDialog
|   - FileDialog
|     - OpenFileDialog
|   - FontDialog
|   - PageSetupDialog
|   - PrintDialog
|   - PrintPreviewDialog
|   - SaveFileDialog
| ListControl
|   - ComboBox
| Menu +
|   - MainMenu +
|   - ContextMenu +
| DataGrid
| TextBoxBase
|   - TextBox (hard)
|     - DataGridTextBox
|   - RichTextBox (very hard)
| DateTimePicker
| UpDownBase
|   - DomainUpDown
|   - NumericUpDown
| ScrollBar
|   - HScrollBar
|   - VScrollBar
| MonthCalendar
| Panel
| PictureBox
| PrintPreviewControl
| ProgressBar
| Splitter
| StatusBar
| TabControl
| TabPage
| ThreadExceptionDialog
| ToolBar
| TrackBar
| TreeView
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