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[Dotgnu-libjit] Re: [Dotgnu-pnet] CVS is down -> Switching to SVN?

From: James Hess
Subject: [Dotgnu-libjit] Re: [Dotgnu-pnet] CVS is down -> Switching to SVN?
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 07:40:20 -0500

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 11:39 AM, Alexander Stein
<address@hidden> wrote:
> Am Dienstag 02 Juni 2009 17:39:56 schrieb Klaus Treichel:
>> as you have noticed the cvs service on savannah is down.
>> I'm thinking about taking this as an opportunity for switching to svn.
>> Any objections?
> I know, I'm not an active developer, but I think switching to svn wouldn't
> change anything in such situations, because you also need a central server. To

However, the outage of CVS is an opportune time to switch to anything
else,  anything that's better than CVS...

GIT has its advantages,  though I must admit i'm partial to Mercurial...
Distributed VCS like Git and friends have a disadvantage that they are
relatively complex, much more complex to manage than VCS
like SVN,   and not that advantageous  unless you have a
large number of developers.

Particularly a lot of developers who wouldn't have commit access,
working on various projects that don't overlap

The question would be... are  GITs  strengths  useful to the project?
Maybe, maybe not...

I would say that SVN is probably an easier conversion to make
immediately that CVS users should be easily able to adapt to  (because
Subversion has many  close similarities to CVS).   GIT has a hefty
learning curve.


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