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RE: [Pnet-developers] Help debugging System.Drawing.Win32

From: Neil Cawse
Subject: RE: [Pnet-developers] Help debugging System.Drawing.Win32
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 09:19:00 -0400

Please help!

Ok the facts as best I can:

Fresh new install of cygwin and latest treecc, pnet, pnetlib cvs
For treecc, pnet then pnetlib
./configure (win32 version --disable-cygwin doesn't work either)
make install

then into samples ilrun hello.exe - sample runs fine.

When doing ilrun FormsHello.exe, I get a segment fault. It is occurring
on this extern:

public static extern IntPtr CreateWindowExA(int dwExStyle, string
lpszClassName, string lpszWindowName, int style, int x, int y, int
width, int height, IntPtr hWndParent, IntPtr hMenu, IntPtr hInst, IntPtr

if I do:

hwnd = Win32.Api.CreateWindowExA( extendedStyle, ""/*className*/, "",
style, Win32.Api.CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, outside.Width, outside.Height,
IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, Win32.Api.GetModuleHandleA(null), IntPtr.Zero

the call doesn't cause an AV and correctly fails (hwnd == 0)

when I do

hwnd = Win32.Api.CreateWindowExA( extendedStyle, className, "", style,
Win32.Api.CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, outside.Width, outside.Height, IntPtr.Zero,
IntPtr.Zero, Win32.Api.GetModuleHandleA(null), IntPtr.Zero );

I get a seg fault.

So we know:

1. The code all runs fine on win32 using csc
2. It looks like there is some string/interop related issue in ilrun
with cygwin?? Has anyone else had an issue?
3. I get the error in the same place when trying with the ms compiled
libraries - so Im pretty sure its not a compiler issue.

Can some people try this on their machines and add to the clues??

Would be cool to have System.Drawing.Win32 running on pnet!

-----Original Message-----
From: Rhys Weatherley [mailto:address@hidden 
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 6:26 PM
Subject: [Pnet-developers] Help debugging System.Drawing.Win32

Neil Cawse has written quite of bit of the System.Drawing.Win32 library
that we can run x11-winforms under Windows as well.  He's done some
testing using MS'es engine, and is now trying to get it to work with

The upshot is that it crashes under pnet on his system when creating a
and just simply exits doing nothing on mine.  I'm stumped - this is
way beyond my Win32 knowledge.

So, if you have a Cygwin installation and you know a thing or two about
Win32 API, please try it out and help us track it down.



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