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[Duplicity-talk] changed files not being backed up

From: Georg Lutz
Subject: [Duplicity-talk] changed files not being backed up
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2011 12:57:52 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20111108 Thunderbird/3.1.16


I am experiencing that under certain conditions files are not being
backed up properly by an incremental run. This is of course a severe
problem, because these files cannot be restored until the next
fullbackup takes place.

Short story:

    $ mkdir data; mkdir backup
    $ echo a> data/a; echo b> data/b
$ duplicity -v0 --no-print-statistics --no-encryption data file://backup
    $ sleep 2; mv data/a data/b
$ duplicity -v0 --no-print-statistics --no-encryption data file://backup
$ duplicity -v0 --no-print-statistics --no-encryption restore file://backup restore
    $ diff -r data restore
    diff -r data/b restore/b
    < a
    > b

Long story:

The problem occurs when the mtime for an already backed up file does not change. One example is a preserving copy action, another one are applications like digikam who reset mtime when they only change EXIF data.

Some month ago a similar problem has been reported:


The 100% solution would be using checksums for comparison. Of course this is an expensive operation and not everyone can afford to wait forever for backups.

But strong checksumming is not necessary here. It would be enough to compare ctime instead of mtime.

Havent't tested it, but I suppose the change can be done quite easy in path.py, function __eq__ . What do you think?

This would fix the problem at least under posix like systems. To my knowdledge windows does not have anything like "inode change time" (ctime) but only "file creation time". I don't know how cygwin behaves, but maybe it sets the ctime also to the same value as mtime.

While ctime should be enough a more conservative approach could be to compare ctime, mtime and file size. Then we could catch at least the windows case where mtime has been preserved but file size differs.

But there is a strange comment in __eq__ regarding comparing signature
vs. file sizes. Shouldn't the file size be recorded in tar?


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