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Re: [Duplicity-talk] Keep running out of space on restore

From: Monte Milanuk
Subject: Re: [Duplicity-talk] Keep running out of space on restore
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 10:26:18 -0800
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On 12/13/2012 09:07 AM, address@hidden wrote:

Assuming I download the 0.6.20 tar ball and unpack it, once I run
'python setup.py install' that should install it to the
site-scripts directory, right?  Do I need to un-install the
distro-managed package first?  What about the extra back-end

which extra packages? and yes generally duplicity is installed
globally via setup routine, so clean out the distro duplicity first.

Sorry, 'depends' wasn't the right terminology... 'suggests' would be more to the point, and to the best of my knowledge, those packages got pulled in when I installed duplicity.

machin-sin data # apt-cache depends duplicity
  Depends: libc6
  Depends: librsync1
  Depends: python2.7
  Depends: python
  Depends: python
  Depends: python-gnupginterface
  Suggests: python-boto
  Suggests: ncftp
  Suggests: rsync
  Suggests: ssh
  Suggests: python-paramiko
  Conflicts: duplicity:i386

Although... I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be using the boto interface. Maybe the rsync and ssh, eventually.

what i usually do is installing duplicity to a user account only
placing everything within one folder. this way you can keep several
duplicitys handy. see under TIP


Okay.... that seems to be working so far - its further along than its ever been, and it hasn't started filling up the root partition, thank goodness.

Its a little stickier of a solution than I would prefer. I think maybe its time for me to put a bug in the ear of the distro package maintainers and ask them nicely to update said package?

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