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Re: [Duplicity-talk] Using duplicity w/o local cache folder

From: Manuel Strehl
Subject: Re: [Duplicity-talk] Using duplicity w/o local cache folder
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 15:46:43 +0200

Thanks for the answer! I'm trying to understand the implications of this. Will it have a speed penalty to do so? I.e., does duplicity use resources to re-create a meaningful cache with data from older backups or does it just dump (meta-)data of the current run? Would my previous idea of invoking duplicity with

    --archive-dir /dev/null

create problems sometimes later, e.g. during restoring data?

2014-10-13 15:35 GMT+02:00 Kenneth Loafman <address@hidden>:
You can't avoid the cache creation, but you can safely delete it after backup if you wish.  It will be recreated on the next backup.

On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 8:22 AM, Manuel Strehl <address@hidden> wrote:

I do unencrypted backups to a local USB storage, mounted directly. As I understand, the information of ~/.cache/duplicity is only there to ease look-up in the case of network backups, possibly even with added encryption.

Now, since there is basically no time penalty in my case to access the cache data compared to the real backup data, is it possible to run duplicity completely without creating any data in ~/.cache/duplicity? (I guess, setting the cache folder to `/dev/null` is not a very well-performing solution...)

(My Google-fu is not sufficient to unearth any answer, if this question has already been asked. My apologies in this case.)


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