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[Duplicity-talk] typical/recommended duplicity workflow/usage, features

From: Adam Monsen
Subject: [Duplicity-talk] typical/recommended duplicity workflow/usage, features
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2022 13:11:52 -0700

I reviewed my home backups created with duplicity. I have a single two-year-old full backup, 462 incremental backups, and apparently a lot of luck... I now see that https://duplicity.us/FAQ.html (something I did not bother to read two years ago) says long incremental chains are Bad. Well, of course they are. I just used the defaults, and now it feels like my backup strategy a house of cards.

Anyone know of a good HOWTO or article describing the typical/recommended duplicity workflow/usage? I searched the mailing list and didn't find much.

I found https://techtipbits.com/linux/safe-and-reliable-linux-backups-with-duplicity/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto ... those guides seems ok. I just wanted to check those recommendations with an expert (that's you, dear reader).

Could anyone point me to a table comparing features/popularity of FOSS command-line backup software? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_backup_software is a bit lacking. I really like duplicity, but given the plethora of popular backup solutions today, I'm looking for comparisons to understand the features I might want/need. Seems unlikely that I would switch from duplicity, but I think de-duplication might be nice to have, for example. I found https://www.backblaze.com/blog/backing-linux-backblaze-b2-duplicity-restic/ helpful, I just want more to read. :-)


( Crossposted an excerpt here: https://fosstodon.org/web/@meonkeys/108669683778026287 )

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