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A tip: how to display longer function names in profiler-report

From: Alan Mackenzie
Subject: A tip: how to display longer function names in profiler-report
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2020 16:32:21 +0000

Hello, Emacs.

It's annoyed me for a long time that profiler-report wastes so much
horizontal screen space, and truncates function names horribly.  And
that's in CC Mode, which has a very short package prefix, "c-".

When the functions being recorded are within jit-lock, I can easily
reach a nesting depth of 25.  That only leaves room for the first 23
characters of the name to be displayed.  This is inadequate.

The documentation of profiler.el is not good.  It is composed of a large
number of mainly small functions, few (if any) of which have an adequate
doc string or function comment.  Some configuration variables which
perhaps ought to be customisable likewise have no comments or doc

The variable which controls the widths of the comment name, number of
samples, and percentage columns is profiler-report-cpu-line-format.
It's default value is:

    ((50 left) (24 right
               ((19 right) (5 right))))

, which codes column sizes of 50, 19, and 5.  The 5 (for percentage) is
OK.  50 (defun name) is too small.  19 (number of samples) is too big -
that is broad enough to count up to 10^16 seconds, of the order of the
age of the universe.

So in my .emacs, I've adjusted these widths to 70, 9, and 5 with the
following incantation:

    (eval-after-load "profiler"
      '(setq profiler-report-cpu-line-format '((70 left)
                                                 (14 right ((9 right) (5 

.  I've now stopped being so annoyed at the profiler.

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

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