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Re: Emacs Survey: Toolbars

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Emacs Survey: Toolbars
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2020 18:16:23 +0200

> Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2020 10:04:53 +0300
> From: Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support>
> Cc: abrochard@gmx.com, rms@gnu.org, bugs@gnu.support, emacs-devel@gnu.org
> There are many volunteer organizations where people make a plan of
> action. Volunteer or not, it is not related to planning. Especially if
> one wish to spare the time for developers it is better to have a
> development plan.
> It could be a simple list of most important issues to be handled for
> Emacs.
> When such list is published maybe more contributors could be drawn to
> it.

We have that: etc/TODO.  But that isn't a "plan" in any reasonable
sense of the word, it's just a list of useful features that we would
like to have at some point.  Sometimes, not very frequently, someone
comes and actually takes up one of those jobs.

But much more frequently, someone comes up with an implemented feature
and submits it for inclusion, and we usually accept it.  Since there's
no way to plan that in advance, almost all of Emacs development moves
by such submissions which no one planned in advance.

Frequent contributors to Emacs probably have their own personal plans,
and work according to them as their time permits.  But these personal
plans are almost never coordinated with anyone else.

I don't see how anything different from the above could ever work, as
long as the project continues to be a loosely coupled group of people
with very disparate interests.  (I also see nothing wrong in how we do
things, FWIW.)

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