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Re: making gettext more like fluent

From: Richard Stallman
Subject: Re: making gettext more like fluent
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2020 00:57:16 -0500

[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]

  > Thus I would prefer to just compile the Fluent syntax into Lisp
  > functions rather than to write a new interpreter.

Fluent offers a possible way of improving translation handling for the
whole GNU system.  That's what's really exciting.  It would make no
sese to do as much effort, or perhaps even more, to get support for
Emacs only and no other programs.

Rust is not an option for the GNU system.  It has to be C.

I will bring this up in gnu-prog-discuss when I dig up the
link about Fluent from the previous messages.

Is Fluent a trademark?  Is there a trademark license in Fluent?
If so, could you please send me the full text of that, as well as its URL?

Dr Richard Stallman
Chief GNUisance of the GNU Project (https://gnu.org)
Founder, Free Software Foundation (https://fsf.org)
Internet Hall-of-Famer (https://internethalloffame.org)

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