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Re: ELPA: new package nano-agenda

From: Nicolas P. Rougier (inria)
Subject: Re: ELPA: new package nano-agenda
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2021 21:29:53 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.6.6; emacs 27.2

Philip Kaludercic <philipk@posteo.net> writes:

It seems you are using ts.el, which isn't on ELPA, and additionally depends
on s.el that also (famously) isn't on ELPA.

That being said, ts seems to only have a weak dependency on s (two usages of s-join), so maybe ts could be added to ELPA -- in one form or another -- as it seems to have a few useful improvements over the
default time and duration functions.

Thanks for the review, I didn't pay attention to this point actually. I confirm than ts would be a very nice addition to ELPA since it really simplifies time management for user and comes with a very clean API. I guess only Adam Porter can answer if he want to add it to ELPA or not. Should I try to remove the dependency in the meantime?


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