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RE: [External] : Re: unique syntax for reporting (submitting bugs)

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: [External] : Re: unique syntax for reporting (submitting bugs)
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2021 15:50:53 +0000

> There are two issues here.
>     1. Have a common syntax for sending bug reports, for example
>        - package-report-bug or
>        - package-submit-bug-report
>     2. The other, more complex issue, is that within GNU emacs the
>        command emacs-report-bug would send an appropriate bug report
>        based on the mayor mode used when calling the bug-report
>        function

I don't see the lack of uniqueness as a real problem.
Can you give an example/scenario that points out what
problems might arise from it?  I'm not saying there
are none; I just can't see them yet.

What you show there are descriptions of solutions.
It's the problems they're intended to fix that I have
trouble imagining (so far).

[FWIW, for my libraries I use "<libname>-send-bug-report".
In this case the command just invokes `browse-url' with
a `mailto:' that constructs a mail skeleton with Subject
line and some instructions and the emacs-version in the
body.  (Sending an email isn't much in the way of
"submitting" a report.)]

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