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Re: On Contributing To Emacs

From: No Wayman
Subject: Re: On Contributing To Emacs
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2021 12:55:40 -0500
User-agent: mu4e 1.7.5; emacs 29.0.50

Does straight.el contain a specific list of packages it recommends?
Or is that always specified by the user?

Hi, Richard. I co-maintain straight.el with Radon (the original author).

Packages are declared via recipe plists in the user's init file.
However, if the user does not specify enough information, the remaining recipe information is inherited from recipes provided by other sources. Out of the box we provide support for MELPA, el-get, a GNU ELPA mirror, Emacsmirror, and Org.

Happy to answer any questions, though I can only speak for myself.
I've CC'd Radon in case he wants to chime in.

~ Nick

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