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Re: Possible bug: org-capture fails when emacs started as daemon

From: Morgan Willcock
Subject: Re: Possible bug: org-capture fails when emacs started as daemon
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2023 18:05:56 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Iñigo Serna <inigoserna@gmx.com> writes:

> Since some months ago (sorry, can't remember when it started) I'm 
> suffering a problem with org-capture: every time I run it and 
> select a template it errors with message "org-capture: Capture 
> template ‘i’: Buffer name ‘CAPTURE-todo.org’ is in use".
> I'm posting the issue here in case it's a silly thing on my side 
> before opening a bug report.

If it helps, I was having the same issue and narrowed it down to changes
I had made to face-remapping-alist, i.e. I fixed it by removing the
following from my configuration:

  (add-to-list 'face-remapping-alist
               (cons 'jabber-title-large 'jabber-title-medium))
  (add-to-list 'face-remapping-alist
               (cons 'jabber-title-medium 'jabber-title-small))

The jabber package was not in a great state so I presumed it was
something in there that was causing the problem, but possibly there is a
more general issue with face remapping when starting as a daemon.


Morgan Willcock

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